Specialist library software is almost a prerequisite for any modern library. It allows library users to search digital databases and access journals as well as performing regular tasks such as reserving books . Whilst for librarians it assists in their jobs by easily monitoring stock levels and providing a comprehensive overview through the library management system.

Benefits for library users

The system provides multi-media support, pulling related material together in one place e.g. electronic documents, web sites and video clips. Benefits include remote access to other libraries, greatly increasing the information available to your users. Library members can search for and obtain material from other libraries quickly, saving time and money. This doesn’t compromise on the quality of material though. The software has great graphics display capabilities so users get the best image quality in books, journals or art resources.

This software has the facility to integrate with popular online educational resources and learning environments such as Moodle and Blackboard. Students can access the library resources and their course work together more easily.

This is library software to bring you up to date and in line with our increasingly techno centric world while remaining very easy to use. The intuitive interface makes it easy to learn and use. Users can set up accounts and store information securely within the system. Many common actions such placing reservations and requesting items can be performed through this library software. Additionally you can set up surveys and allow readers to give feedback on books or other materials, increasing interaction between the users and the software.
Benefits for Staff

The library management system will have huge benefits for your staff; providing easy stock take solutions, allowing them to manage loans better and has power search capabilities to name just a few of its features.

You can easily customize the library management system to enable or disable the features to create a tool that suits your staff and the needs of your library. For example, the system can be integrated with Microsoft Office to easily send reports into Word or Excel. Notifications can also be set up to automatically alert members, by email or SMS, when resources become available, saving time and money.

It’s suitable for small and large libraries, no matter what the staff size.

To find out how this library software could improve your services visit us at: www.247lib.com

Author's Bio: 

The modern library is not just a home for books – specialist library software is becoming the standard both lenders and borrowers have come to expect. Visit www.247lib.com to find out more about a bespoke library management system.