Look guys, if you have not figured it out already. The keywords you choose are how your site gets indexed, and found by the potential customers, you are looking to sell to. It is absolutely the most important thing you need to learn if you ever want to have a hope of making a living online. If everything I have been trying to teach you is way over your head, or you just do not want to learn it, and would rather pay someone else to do it. That’s fine. However, you had better learn one thing and learn it well, and that’s keyword marketing. I found out the hard way, that this was the number one thing that mattered when it came to search engine optimization.
You see with the proper keywords, and structure, you will never find all those thousands of people looking to buy your products, and trust me they are out there. Even if your are selling whoopee cushions, there is somebody looking to buy one right now. Remember, the entire planet is our customer base. Just think of it logically, how do you find anything? By typing in a keywords and then scanning the sight that most catches your eye. Now in the old days, the 1990’s and early 2,000’s you simply needed a single keyword to market your site. However, that has totally changed now you need to type in whole keyword phrases to find exactly what you want.
When learning keyword marketing, try and find keywords phrases that are about 3 to 4 words long, too short, and its too general of an audience. Too long and you may reduce the number of potential customers to zero. Like anything in life it is an art. Treat the keyword phrase like a funnel. Draw them in to what you happen to sell. “Used Golf Clubs” is a good keyword phrase example. Then as they check out your site, and type phrases in the search box, connect pages with more specific keyword phrases, like “ used golf clubs for $100” or, “golf clubs with instructional video.” Basically, you take them down a funnel until they land on the sales page they want. They see the product they were looking for, and then go and buy it. Bam! You have a sale.
Trust me on this guys, you really need to learn this stuff. Make sure each one of your pages on your site has specific keywords attached to it that a customer would type in when looking for something on your site. Here is a small list of things to get you started when learning keyword marketing
1). Use whole Keyword phrases around 3 - 4 words long
2). Use phrases with close to 10,000 global searches per month
3).Use Google Keyword Tracker and Wordtracker to find keywords
4). Stay away from keywords with 100,000 or more searches, they will have way too much competition. Go with only low competition keywords phrases.
Hi, I’m Trevor Poulson, Internet Marketer and author for 5 years. Check out learning keyword marketing for more great inside information!
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