Future Horizons became the largest publisher in the world, in autism, because of love. Not a love of profit or glory..but the love of a son.
R. Wayne Gilpin had a son, Alex, who was challenged with autism, but blessed with a wonderfully giving and honest view of the world. Diagnosed at the age of three, he faced the trials of every child with autism—trying to understand a world that did not think the way he did…and one that was often cruel because he was different. But, as he watched him grow, Wayne saw and focused on the attributes of sweetness and candor, and a unique intelligence. He became a son that Wayne not only loved but one he admired for his kind and gentle demeanor, and a sense of humor that was beguiling.
He had a sense of seeing the world differently, but not wrong. In his role, as past President of the Autism Society of America, Wayne saw many parents and educators who took a negative and passive view about children with autism. Seeing this conflict between the often negative and resigned view of autism, and his perspective of joy in his son, Wayne decided to write a book about the fun, humor, and love of his son. So, he wrote “Laughing and Loving with Autism.” At first, he expected to only offer it to parents he may meet who had negative feelings, and to help educators better understand the perspectives of those with autism. But; instead, an important new chapter in his life was about to unfold.
As a publisher of other books, he knew that a new book, in a new field, would not likely receive much recognition. So, he had only 500 copies printed and assumed it would take at least a year to have them purchased or given away. Instead all of them went in three days.
Then partially due to his name being known in the autism world, through his work with the Autism Society of America, others came to him with their books. The reception to these titles, and the over 140 to follow, over the next 14 years was beyond his wildest expectations. To supplement the books, he began offering conferences featuring the authors and included videos of more popular authors. Now, the titles offered by Future Horizons are in 20 languages, and are sold in over 50 countries. From an idea to help parents see the benefits and positives of having a child with autism, has sprung a company, which serves a need that no one knew existed 14 years ago. Future Horizons is not only recognized as a leader in the field of autism, but is respected as an outstanding small publishing company, among the best in the world.
Wayne Gilpin founded the Future Horizons publishing company in 1996. Before that, he was publishing car repair guides and law books. But his son’s diagnosis of autism rerouted his career path. He joined the Autism Society of America and was voted president in 1987. Collecting as much information on autism as he could, Wayne was saddened by the fact that all of the resources at the time were very negative and offered little hope for his son. But his experience told a different story. His son Alex was a gentle, honest, and intelligent person, and Wayne was confident that Alex would overcome his obstacles and defy the odds. To bring a little light into the autism community, he compiled and published a book called Laughing and Loving with Autism. It contained humorous and touching stories from parents of children with autism. It was the first book to really capture the positive aspects of these kids, and it gave other parents hope. Now, over 100 books and DVDs later, Future Horizons is the leading autism publisher in the world.
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