Labiaplasty is the surgical removal or shaping of a female’s vulva. The part of a woman’s genitalia removed through the procedure includes the labia majora (the outer part of labia) and labia minora (the inner part of labia). These parts have significant impact on the function of the female’s genitalia and aesthetic value, which depends on the general societal norms regarding the beauty of the vagina. The labiaplasty procedure is conducted with utmost care and consideration because it touches one of the most valued and significant part of a female’s sexuality. The number of women seeking labiaplasty is constantly increasing due to its increasing popularity and benefits with regard to a woman’s beauty and sexuality.

Reasons to Seek Labiaplasty
1. For cosmetic enhancement (beauty/aesthetic)
2. Comfort and function of the vagina
3. For self-confidence during sexual intercourse
4. For hygiene and professional reasons
The size of labia and its shape is equivalent and as an identity to an individual as an eye. More-and-more women are seeking the labiaplasty procedure by Prof. Dr. Gress to attain that ideal and attractive beauty of the vagina. They seek the procedure to attain the standards that meet the beauty norms. An elongated labia can cause discomfort when a woman is having sex, which occurs when the labia majora is tacked inside the vagina during penetration repeatedly, producing excess friction. Women with excess tissues in protruding and elongated labia experience shame and low self-esteem with their partners during sex. They seek labiaplasty to have confidence when having sex. The procedure is also necessary for hygiene because dirt from vaginal secretions may deposit beneath the large labia and cause thrush. Professionally, removal of large labia minora and majora is necessary especially in athletes. Women with elongated labia and in sports experience pain and discomfort while in practice. The excess tissue rubs on the inner thighs and sport garments. They might cause discomfort and shame when their protrusion display in tight sportswear or underpants.
Labiaplasty Procedure
1. Use of anesthesia
2. The trim procedure
3. The wedge procedure
4. Shaping of the clitoral hood
Anesthesia is normally used before the commencement of labiaplasty procedure to provide comfort to the patient. Some surgeons prefer general anesthesia, especially when it involves the reshaping of the labia minora and majora, and the incision of the clitoral hood. When the procedure is simple and done on labia minora or majora, local anesthesia with oral sedation is preferable. The trim procedure involves the surgeon operating on the vulva when either the labia minora or majora is excessively large. The trim involves cutting and sewing up the extra tissue directly. In the wedge procedure, a wedge is cut and a pie-shaped piece of tissues is removed – it maintains a natural border. The surgeon reduces the extra tissue of the extra folds on the clitoral hood at the same time. The surgeons sews back the incisions and at the closure with absorbable sutures.
Recovering from—and Results of—Labiaplasty
1. Duration of recovery
2. Care after surgery
3. Results of the surgery
Patients need to take a week from work and, preferably, in the hospital to enable monitoring by a healthcare professional. After discharge, special home care is recommended. The patients may experience slight pain, bleeding, and swelling, which are normal and manageable. Icing with a cold pack sandwiched between the underpants and an elastic garment can help reduce pain and swelling. It could bed 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Besides, the patient may lie with elevated bottom to take care of the swelling. The patients may safely resume having intercourse and wearing tampons 4 to 6 weeks. Trim labiaplasty recovers quicker than other forms and the most distorting swelling disappears after 6 weeks. Residual swelling, however, can take 6 months to disappear. While healing, patients should not wear tight underpants and regular washing is paramount. Patients should expect mild pain and scars during and after recovery respectively. Labiaplasty surgery is associated with a 90 percent satisfaction rate among attendees.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the side effects of labiaplasty procedure?
Typically, the patient experiences soreness, swelling, and bruising for up to 2 weeks. Sitting and peeing may be uncomfortable; however, painkillers and other medications may be used to manage these circumstances.
How long does the labiaplasty procedure take?
The process may take one to two hours. Whereas it is advisable to stay in hospital for a couple of days, some patients may be allowed to go home the same day.
How is it different from female genital mutilation (FGM)?
Labiaplasty is a service offered as a cosmetic or treatment surgery for a medical reason and with the patient’s full consent. FGM is a procedure to alter and cause injury to a female genital organs and involves partial or total removal of the clitoris for non-medical reasons. It is done mainly on children and illegal in many countries such as the United Kingdom.
Who should not have labiaplasty?
Children under the age of 18. They may continue to grow the labia after surgery.

Author's Bio: 

New York Times bestselling author Hamza Fox writes sweet, fun, action-packed mysteries. His characters is clever and fearless, but in real life, Hamza is afraid of basements, bees, and going up stairs when it is dark behind her. Let’s face it. Hamza wouldn’t last five minutes in one of her books.

Hamza is best known for his Southern Ghost Hunter mysteries and for his Accidental Demon Slayer books.