For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Ref.: Jeremiah 29:11-13
Another year has come and gone. It’s time for those new-year resolutions, 2012 goals and plans. By now, you probably know how I feel about all of these. Resolutions can be made each and every day at any time of the year. And we, quite often, strive after goals that are fleeting and without clear objectives or clarity resulting in disappointment and greater pain.
As for plans, I, myself, have written a few to include a business plan, a marketing plan and a personal life-plan. Up to a few years ago, I was a strong believer. In my book, “Twelve Magical Keys to Help Women Live Life Abundantly,” I write about and discuss having S.M.A.R.T. goals and a plan in place to achieve success.
Let’s recap what S.M.A.R.T goals are, briefly. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym which stands for goals or a plan that has goals that are:
• Specific = The goals are clear and concise
• Measurable = These are the steps taken to help you see where you are in the project, where you need to be, and how much money and time it will take until its completion.
• Attainable = What will it take to reach the goal with the available resources?
• Realistic = Is the goal practical, sensible or reasonable? And/or
o Risk = How much risk is involved?
• T = What is the timetable for the project including a completion date.
When I included this information in my book, I honestly believed that these steps were necessary. I still do. However, I must admit, my thinking has shifted or transformed to a newer or, what I’d like to believe, a higher way of thinking. I now believe in order to be successful in any endeavor you must have a new, additional type of plan. Please, if you have a few minutes journey with me here.
At the beginning of this piece I shared a Scripture from Jeremiah 29:11-13. This passage is basically saying that the Lord God, the Universe, Omnipotence, All Knowing, Magnificent Light and Love formulated a personal plan for your personal life. May I remind you, this God as well as His plan is not outside of you. God is in the DNA of every person. I find, the sooner you acknowledge this fact, the sooner you lift off.
So, if that plan is inside of you or in your D.N.A., how do you go about getting that plan on the inside to the outside so you can walk into the plan for your life or what I call your purpose and your calling?
Before we proceed, I need to share another passage of Scripture. “I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts. I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint. Then the LORD replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time, it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Ref.: Habakkuk 2:1-3
Let me introduce you today to the H.E.A.R.T.© plan. The H.E.A.R.T© plan has five steps, like S.M.A.R.T goals. It helps you find and know the personal plan of God or the heart of God for your life which is simply based upon, “…the plan to prosper you and not harm you, to grant you hope and [an amazing] future.” Your plan is designed for only you. No one can take it or steal it away.
Here are the steps:
• Hear the voice of God.
You must first understand the voice of God is within. Yes, he or she or whatever, whoever you envision God to be is Omnipotent, Omniscient, or all knowing, and Omnipresent. You must also realize that the all powerful, the all knowing and the every place at every time being is not separate from you. I cannot emphasize that enough. You must know if the mountains and the seas are part of the Godliness and greatness, you must also be. “To look to see what He will say,” mentioned in Habakkuk 2 vs. 1 is to gaze, glimpse, glance into yourself, your heart, your soul and hear the voice of God within.
When I was doing case-management work in California, I don’t know how many times I would walk into someone’s home and have to say, “Will you please turn the television off?” or “Please turn the radio down, and even, “Will you please ask the children to play outside until we are done?” I can hear God asking us the same. It’s impossible to have a heart-felt discussion with anyone with noisy distractions and undivided attention. The God within can’t communicate with you if you don’t make time and space for the communication. The “intuitive” voice, the “gut” feeling or fly-by thought that comes to you is also part of the God within attempting to speak to you. You must train yourself to listen being sure it is the voice of God within and not the ego voice.
• Envision: So many women say to me, “I’m asking God for direction.” I then ask where do you want to go? What do you see? Can you see? Do you have an inner vision? You may be so damaged; drained and distraught you can’t see anything anymore. You see nothing but strife, grief and struggle. Your vision may be veiled. You may not be able to discern the ego from the God consciousness leading you into continued cycling, bad decisions, wasted money, and worst of all wasted time.
Your dream that travelled with you through the birth canal and through your D.N.A. may be buried. Be relieved in knowing though it may be sleeping, suffocating or stifled IT IS NOT DEAD. Not if you are reading this piece. It only has to be rekindled. How awesome!
We always write our vision, “….write down the revelation, the vision so he who heralds it or reads it runs with it.” Have you heard people say there is something magical about writing down your goals or creating a vision board? Well there is. It is found in Scripture. To “run” with it means: to bring or move quickly, to hurry. When you take the step to write your vision, to record what you have glanced into and seen, you can revisit and see your vision daily or weekly. This message imprints upon the conscious mind thereby being rooted in the subconscious mind bringing forth manifestation quickly, hurriedly and easily. More will be accomplished in your sleep with your vision at the subconscious than in your everyday routine of bus-i-ness.
• Ask – “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me …” If you are willing to find the time to be silent, either by prayer or meditation, then you must also be willing to seek the answers to all the questions even the ones you think are forbidden.
I remember when growing up I was always told not to question God. When I became a woman, I asked, “Why not?” If God is my Teacher, and Scripture says he will listen then why can’t I ask? Scripture in Matthew 7:7 clearly tells us to not only ask but to seek and knock. Paraphrased, don’t just ask once but keep seeking and knocking, pounding on the door, if necessary, until you clearly see or hear what it is you need to know. Isn’t that what any good student does? They keep asking and researching until their understanding is clear. But after asking you must astutely LISTEN. Don’t try to over-talk or over-think the teacher. If you’re not supposed to know the answer or the answer is not timely, you will hear or intuitively know just that.
“When prayer is at its highest we wait in silence for God’s voice to us; we linger in His presence for His peace and His power to flow over us; we lean back in His everlasting arms and feel the serenity of perfect security in Him.” –William Barclay
So, if you desire, ask. If the vision is convoluted ask for clarity. If you require confirmation; that’s right, ask! Don’t stop seeking the answers within until all is clear. To step out before, will only lead to frustration, anguish and disappointment not just sometime; every time.
• Rest–And in the seventh day He, God, rested. We now live in the seventh day and if we are willing to do the first three steps then we must also be willing to LET GO. (The letting go is really the magical piece.) We know it shall come to pass. It: the dream, the desire, may tarry or be delayed but it will come. Learning the magic of letting go may take you cycling or what I call going around the Mulberry Bush a few hundred times. If you’re anything like me, it may possibly take a good portion of your life; but, eventually, you’ll get so fatigued and so tired, if not sick, you will have to come to your end and you will rest.
• And, lastly, here it is: The TRANSITION
You wake up one morning and you’re there. You’re where you’re supposed to be. You’re in the flow and you’re living your dream. The money is coming because you’re on course and more importantly you’re happy. In fact, you’re happy if you’re not making the money because, amazingly, all the good things promised are coming to you anyway. How so? Because the PLAN for your personal life or what is known as your purpose or your calling has overtaken you and you have become one.
This journey is not without bumps, wrong turns, or disappointments. I would be a fraud to tell you otherwise. You may go two steps forward and three steps backward. You might have to go back to the hearing and asking from time to time. In fact, I would suggest you do so every morning before you begin your day. You will most likely need someone to walk you through. But I promise you, you will transition into your dream, your hope, your business and your relationships stronger, wiser, happier, whole, healthy, filled with hope and prosperity. After all, that is the plan for your amazing life.
Why not start 2012 on target! Find out how to fully implement the H.E.A.R.T © plan in your life today. Whether you are challenged with love, finances, heath, self-expression, career or weight blockages, this amazing life filled with miraculous manifestation and abundance each and every day is for every one. Why not get on board right now?
Pamela Chapman helps wounded souls heal. She is an accomplished author, trainer, facilitator, and certified abundant-life coach helping women find their calling. Chapman has over 15 years of experience with proven success in working with women between the ages of 34 and 60 who desire to move forward efficiently, effectively and expeditiously. For instant access to education, guidance and resources on on how to build and/or nurture one's self-esteem and experience abundant living, visit Pamela's website at
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