Jogging health benefits make jogging not only an enjoyable recreational activity or hobby but also one that can bring plenty of healthy advantages. Sadly, not many understand what a regular jogging routine can do for their health. Instead, many are only mildly interested in jogging because it is a great way to bond with other people or it’s a good way to look cool and sporty; thus, jogging as a sport or hobby is seldom taken seriously by many people.

In this context, repeating some of the jogging health benefits that are readily available to serious joggers is a worthwhile venture. Consider; more and more people understand the importance of embracing a healthier lifestyle and yet they continue to overlook jogging as the solution to their problems. When one fully understands the full array of jogging health benefits that can be had with a formal jogging training program, it is not inconceivable to think that the image of jogging as a sport can take a more serious and valued form than what it is currently today.

Here are some of the most important jogging health benefits that one can hope to achieve with a jogging program that requires newbie joggers to do just 3 to 4 30-minute to 60-minute jogs in one week.

Improved cardiovascular endurance - The heart is the primary organ that’s at work when one jogs because the increased intensity of the activity requires that the heart works harder to deliver blood to all the body’s organs. With regular repetition, joggers can expect to build-up their cardiovascular endurance, which will allow them to perform better in daily activities. Where before, climbing a flight of stairs could lead to breathlessness and all sorts of pain, jogging strengthens the heart and the body enough to make these sort of health problems virtually non-existent.

Not coincidentally, improved cardiovascular endurance can also boost heart health and lowers the risk for heart diseases. Most heart ailments are primarily due to the heart’s inability to cope with the demands of extra work. Training the heart to get accustomed to these extra demands boosts its ability to naturally deliver blood and oxygen where it is needed without having to overwork itself. As a result, joggers tend to have lower risks for heart diseases than people who do not run at all.

Weight loss - This is the most common of all jogging health benefits and it is well demonstrated by many. Jogging increases metabolism, burns a significant amount of calories, and optimizes the body’s functions improving overall health. Jogging 3 to 4 times a week from 30 to 60 minutes each time can help lead to a 2-pound weight loss per week for those with a good workout routine. The trick is to find the right jogging plan that caters to your needs without overworking you.

A happier mood - Running releases happy hormones into the bloodstream. This is a natural biological process that helps the body cope up with the inherent stresses of a good run. When hormones like dopamine are released into the bloodstream, the body feels a natural euphoric high aptly named “runner’s high.” This helps improve mood and negates stress and depression. If you want to be happier and have a more positive outlook in life, you’d be surprised to know that jogging can deliver these without you having to schedule a trip to your therapist.

Jogging health benefits are free and widely available for the taking. If you are looking for a way to be healthier and happier, try jogging. It’s simple, easy, and most certainly can keep your body in great condition. As with so many that have come before you, jogging can be a refuge, an escape, and a productive outlet of your time yielding tremendous health benefits in return. Give it a chance and see how far it can take you.

As I always try and state in many of my articles, it is always a good idea to have your doctor give you a physical before starting a jogging routine to make sure you have no medical problems that could prevent it.

Author's Bio: 

Robert N. Perry is retired and after living in Costa Rica for 10 years has returned to be near family in Texas. In retirement he has chosen to write health related articles and has over 3000 on various websites on the internet.