I remember the story of the Pharisee named Nicodemus, one of the rulers of the Jews as mentioned in the gospel. He was a man of high position. Because of what he had heard and observed, he paid a visit to Jesus. His question to Jesus is very relevant NOW. He had taken upon himself to investigate Jesus. Because of who he was, he secretly approached Jesus and said “Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God, for no man can do these miracles that I thou does except God sent him”. Jesus answered him and said, “Verily verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” John 3:1-3. For Nicodemus to approached Jesus in a manner that he did, took great courage on his part. It is with this courage now that we must all choose to approach this same cross roads in our life. If we have been paying attention to the recent changes taken place all over the world, we would see evidence of the old paradigm breaking down. What is apparent now is a new paradigm is announcing itself to the world.
Truth keeps on changing and our assumption about the nature of existence is now in the process of change. It became obvious to me that discovery and awareness changes perspective. New paradigm requires new understanding, wisdom, and acceptance. As we merge with the tide of the new paradigm shift, it will pick us up and move us faster and faster into right relationships, right action, and right opportunities, then we will be in position to let go of the past and acknowledge what is true for each of our individual lives while letting innate intelligence or heart sense express itself through us. In the process of merging the heart sense will increase its current, which will be noticed as a feeling of love and a new found peace and stillness will be the result. This will create the right resonance to attract the corresponding dream for each individual. Each life will unfold effortlessly, beautifully, and it is in our acceptance of what is that we can ask for more. It is really in our ideas of what truth is that prevents the freedom of individual thought. Then it will become apparent that there is a fundamental illusion about Jesus ‘message. Which translate into the error of a belief, is enough to enter heaven? Jesus message was not understood. This error was not made by Jesus, but by those who misunderstood his message. What is becoming apparent now is Jesus told us to follow him. To follow Jesus, it would be wise to develop Christ consciousness within your inner being. This will bring about a new consciousness which will allow us to access our higher power and let go our limiting beliefs allowing us to expand and change them to create perfection as a new “heaven on earth”.

This awakening is taken place all over the world, where all will start to let go the primordial forgetfulness within the consciousness of man. Where the vale is slowly lifting and self-realization will be actualize by humanity all over the world. With more and more people waking up their intuitive power by where the soul directly apprehend its true nature as an individualized potential coming from the one source of the essence of everything.
I remember when I was at school a long time ago. The teacher had just introduced us to the British poet Wordsworth. His poetry was all about the all pervading spirit. Looking back now, I know and feel that he would have experienced similar experiences that I have had. We both became aware of wisdom which was transferred through our personal experiences of spiritual reality. The times we live in now, offers opportunity for everyone to become aware of the potential of this moment. Every day more and more people are becoming aware of the practical method of intuitive knowing of truth through self-realization.
You are a soul. You are the immaculate idea of the Father Mother God but have lost your knowing of this fact. What I personally have experienced in my own life with all the limitations, fears and misconception of truth that I have experienced through a belief that God did not value me, I know now too be false These experiences allowed my conscious mind to think that life has no purpose and that was what came to pass with me. My total misidentification that I was only was body created a reality where my soul only identified with the flesh and the sense limitation of the five senses (sees, hear, smell, touch, and taste). This total attention trapped me in the limitation of this finite world. It was only when I acquired the ability to meditate that I started a journey to return home. I didn’t realize that my total consciousness was tied to the limitation of this life that I have. As my five senses had only that awareness they perceive. But once I started meditation, it opened me up to the realization of the sixth sense of intuition where the outer experiences were not the only experiences which I had. New awareness with different new perception had announced themselves to me. Now I am experiencing the seventh sense which I call Heart sense.
If you have read some of my previous articles, you would know that I have mentioned that modern science is also moving into a new paradigm about physics and the meaning of life. Throughout the world there are new and innovative great work been carried out by Institute that study the subtle energy systems that have become known through new perception. As knowledge in itself has limitation. These limitations are boundaries of the limited conscious mind. It is the conscious mind which created these boundaries. At this point, I would like you to refer to what Albert Einstein said; basically he said that “the intelligence that created the problem cannot solve the problems”. So with new innovative evolutionary thinking, man is now discovering new insights about how the brain works. Until the boundaries are removed or dismantled, man’s soul will be imprisoned in the sensory limitation of the mortal body.
My question for you, “How could man see, feel and know the kingdom of heaven if his soul is still earth bound?” Without meditation the soul remains earth bound. This is through free will of allowing the conscious mind mastery over your soul.

It is only when each individual chooses to begin a spiritual journey will the aligning start to take place. Spiritual growth is achieved by aligning with the spiritual current which mankind is currently feeling which are coming from both the personality and mind of spirit. This feeling nature is activated by the desire to love. The love I speak about is non-judgemental, unconditional and always expanding. This leads me to the definition for the term of “Christ Consciousness” which I will state as Christ Consciousness is the growing recognition and blending of the human evolutionary ego with that of divine mind and the divine personality. This is be the source of human happiness and fulfilment. This is that state of our true nature, our higher self and our birthright as children of spirit. It is the realization of the faith that God is speaking inwardly to each and every soul through the heart and the vibration of his/her being. It is God and God alone who reveals the essence of all that is in humanity and at the perfect right time.

My own experience has been riddled with tough trials. I know that everybody’s path is unique. Whichever path you are on, is the right path for you. Tough trials are blessings to fortify your character and awaken your awareness. A life without trials gains little wisdom. For it is by direct experience that spiritual growth takes place. It was by using tools to still my mind (e.g. meditation, visualization, imagery and imagination) that I was able to open communication with my Christ Self. These all happened within the silence. It was within the silence that I formed the partnership with my Holy Christ Self. I acknowledged all the great men and women who had forged the path for us all to follow. I am grateful for their uniqueness and their illumination and great wisdom.

I remember reading early on in my search for truth that those who embark on a spiritual life will acquire a new life and they would learn about God. In so doing, achieve God contact and learn to maintain it. Those that managed to achieve that contact or knowing, live in accordance with the loving laws of the universe. These laws are based on love. So it is necessary to know love and the true vibration of love, wisdom and peace. The significance of this lifetime is to acquire wisdom. With this wisdom the world perception will change as new knowledge and perception brings greater awareness. Hence, discovery changes perception.

All over the world, groups of people are preparing the earth for the coming of the Kingdom of God on this earth. I now know that the pathway to creating this is unconditional love. The Master Jesus showed us how to be exemplar Christ’s. So by inviting in our Holy Christ Selves, we are supported to release all thoughts that are less than love from our conscious mind. It is only by having a daily process which ideally is systematic and persistent and there is a genuine desire to seek truth will the ego barrier begins to dismantle.

It is well to remember that all thoughts are accompanied with emotions which act as signature or trigger of those thoughts or beliefs which are misconstrued and use by most us not as a guidance system but as if we are those very emotions. We are not our emotions. We allow our emotions to breathe fear into our lives. Then our focus bonds us to these fears. This allows a lack of wisdom around the true purpose of our emotion. The mind says one thing and the heart says another. This creates for most people the two masters syndrome. Remember Jesus words that you can’t have two masters.

Meditation allows stillness. And in this stillness you ascend in consciousness up the spiritual ladder of ecstatic spiritual consciousness awareness. Until meditation is practised, you will be unable to let go of self will. This will is based on the five senses and is limited to what they can perceive. Earthly consciousness is a weave of fabric that we as people of the earth spin with our thoughts and feelings unconsciously. I personally feel this as a heavy dense cloud from my students. I perceived this within myself as a low vibrational energy within the pit of my stomach.

At this point, I would like to go into what I have perceived about the nature of thought. With indiscriminate thought, the mind creates a blanket of non-purposeful energy. When this is put into the universe through the medium of the mind without purpose and intention, it creates a dense fog. And this dense fog will crystallize with an array of deformity due to fear related ideas which have been bonded to the emotion of fear collected throughout our lives. The fear energy is an emotion which will crystallize the very precise idea due to the attention and focus on it. On the other hand, thoughts of desire, purpose and intention for the good of all will manifest effortlessly first as a life form or designed print with the outline of your intention. With your intention for the good of all, the love vibration will start to attract through the magnetic field of emotion to bring the divine intention into the physical universe. So all loving thoughts, where there is no judgement or condition will manifest through “The Law of Attraction”. In the past, man has limited vision on realizing what creates this world that we live in, but that is in the progress of change now. Everybody has heard of the secret but that is only used by the ego as a tool to attract more. But without unconditional love it will not work for you.

Thought without love and full of ego intention cannot create perfection. But by merging thought and feeling together as one, where feeling is put in its rightful prominent position of unconditional love, the thoughts that follow will manifest heaven on earth. At a certain stage at everybody’s awakening, of which there are many stages, and these stages open up to the individual where their perception become conscious to the conscious mind. Certain realization takes place within the conscious mind which could be explained as an analogy of the growth of a flower seed. All movement, I term as love and so with different state of awareness, perception changes. Movement or love cannot be empirically measured or explained with the conscious mind, hence it is little understood. In my own case, when I came in to this world, love for me was inclusive of the “me, me syndrome”. But as I matured, I try to reach out to love others. I became aware that this was a call from the heart to love unconditionally. But I settled for finding love within a partner, family members and associate friends. My search deepened as a result of the aspiration I felt in my heart as a blossom of a well which started to resonate powerfully with my thought and feeling. Until one day, a knowing came from within my heart that love is the principle of spirit. With divine communication of spirit, divine love blossomed and announced itself to my conscious mind and starts to materialize and manifest into my body and the world.

So it is with the application of love, that all mental, emotional and social problems will be dissolved. When all beings resonate with each other as one and from the same source and a knowing of the immaculate love that each one is, heaven will have arrived on earth. Peace and joy will be enjoyed by all. All desire freedom, joy and peace. Wisdom is the path of love and it will announce itself to all who have inner eyes and inner hearing. This will allow right divine justice. It is my understanding that love will stand above everything else. With the application of love, everything is perfect. It is with the influence of love that all new human conceptions are formed and transformed. Love is one of the twelve powers of man that is under-utilize to date. To finish the divine order, it requires us to give unconditionally, the love that we are for it is our essence and true nature.
By: Malcolm McAuliffe


Author's Bio: 

For over three decades Malcolm has supported the development of Christ-consciousness for his students. Many people have become aware of their own heart sense. Malcolm calls this been aware of the Diamond heart of God. As in the beginning there was purity, just like the purity of the Diamond, where all molecules were perfect until we allow our focus to create fear, Then though deficient thoughts fear was cultured and adopted by all. This fear was then hand down from one generation to another. It was also used to control others. This created the world we have to day.The Diamond and the heart create unity between thoughts and feelings. This awareness allows one to live in the now moment. Malcolm's speciality is the wisdom that has become his knowing.