You can hardly go anywhere today without hearing or seeing the phrase “GOING GREEN”. In fact, it has become a staple of our everyday vocabulary. Commercials, billboards and company logos promote the phrase. Everything, from the products we buy, or activities such as recycling or reusing products in our homes, businesses, schools and Churches promote the phrase. Even the federal government has mandated that states regulate the green content of the electricity and gas provided by their local utilities. By the year 2020 gas and electric companies must meet Federal Renewable Portfolio Standards – their energy supply must be at least 20% green.

There is great joy and health in living green. Furthermore, each of us has the responsibility to live green and preserve this planet for generations to come. The joy of living green is deeply rooted in the Bible. The Garden of Eden, the place God specifically prepared for Adam and Eve, was pure. God required of Adam from the start, to tend to all He had created. Life in the Garden reveals the essential purpose of mankind – to protect all that he has created. Just like Adam, our purpose is twofold. The first was to nurture or cultivate the Garden; tending to the things God created. And secondly, Adam was to guard or protect the Garden. The idea is that Adam was to be in charge of God’s creation.

Since God’s purpose was attached to Adam’s responsibility and ability to honor God, joy should have been evident in his work for God. The same is true of us today. Our reasonable expectation is to honor God with joy by protecting that which is placed in our care – planet earth.
Our world has untold natural beauty. As such everything one does in one part of the world to preserve this planet has a direct impact on other parts of the world. Our world has untold natural that is wondrous to behold. Breath taking landscapes abound. Lovable animals are everywhere. Dynamic waterfalls and canyons are heart stopping. These are nothing short of miracles. Even if you cannot see them physically, there are books, the internet and even TV shows that will reveal the beauty of this world to you. Take some time to appreciate the beauty, magnificence and splendor of God’s creation. This in itself will give you motivation to do all that you can to protect this planet.

Unfortunately, many people do not always appreciate or care for all of Creation in a healthy and respectful way – the way God intended. Exhaust from so many motor vehicles raise concerns for clean air. The burning of fossil fuels to produce energy creates green house gases and cause concern for the ozone layer and global warming. The destruction of natural marsh lands and rain forest threaten the very lives of indigenous peoples, animals and vegetation throughout the world. The good thing is that we have begun to see protests against these practices.

Regardless as to where we live in this world, each of us has the ultimate responsibility to protect that which God has entrusted to our care - all of His Creation. We must show care and concern for our homes, neighborhoods and global community as a whole. It is important to be good stewards for all of Creation. This ensures that everyone will have a chance to experience life in manner God intended. We must maximize every chance we get to show that we will do everything within our power to show that will protect the environment as well as demonstrate our care and concern for each other.

Author's Bio: 

Hello Everyone, My name is Otis Brown. I have always been intrigued by the internet. And I have the greatest respect for those persons who can navigate it so well. One of my greatest ambitions was to have my own home base internet business to generate additional income for my family. I have three children and nine grandchildren and I'd like to see them live a much better life than me. Not to mention that I have to pay for one of my daughters' wedding in August of 2011. OH BOY. She ever planned an elaborate one.

Fortunately, for me I’ve begun to see the fruits of my labor with my home based internet businesses. To this end, I am looking forward to networking with other successful people on this forum to learn how to be even more successful in marketing on the internet. I would expect to use what I will learn to help others become successful. I think that's what it is all about- Helping each other. I am sure that my experiences will be helpful to someone. I look forward to networking with everyone.