Are you not feeling confident about your approach? Are not feeling confident about your interactions? What is the best way to approach? Say you have been going on the Internet and getting foreclosure lists and sending postcards. Let’s take it a step further-say you have even been putting signs out (especially around the entrances to the subdivisions) where the foreclosures are. And a few have disappeared. And say it doesn’t make you feel good doing it. Some of you may question why it would make you feel bad. Realistically, you may feel bad just because you know they are going through hard times and you feel bad. Well I’m here to tell you-do not feel bad.
In fact, you should not feel bad or “responsible”. In fact, you should ask yourself these questions.
Do you have a gun to their head forcing them to call you?
No. Of course you do not.
Is anybody making them sell their house?
Did you make them get into foreclosure?
Are you nothing more than giving them a choice and letting them decide what is best for them?
Then why do you feel guilty? I would think you should feel guiltier about just letting them go into foreclosure. So what is the best thing you can do (especially if you have not gotten any responses from them yet)? Do you keep sending them cards or do you call them?
And keep in mind; I should explain something to you about marketing. Is the card neat? The neater the card looks, the worse it pulls. You may have destroyed your yellow letter campaign before you even got it started. You may have turned the yellow letter into a yellow postcard. Ask yourself this-does Grandma send out yellow postcards? The whole theory behind the yellow letter is that it is two individuals who set down and wrote a letter to someone who drove by their house and you liked their house and you sent them an ugly handwritten yellow letter.
You may be hand addressing them, but you need to remember this: The minute you take that postcard and make it look like it is professionally produced you just destroyed the campaign.
Don’t feel defeated-hang in there. You can recover from this. Go back to what is working, the yellow letters in an envelope, handwritten with address inserted and see what happens. You can now find that you are mailing to a list that is going to call you less than anyone else. Foreclosures are where you are going to get the least amount of calls. But in the end, they are the best calls.
When it comes to real estate investing, I highly recommend information from Ron LeGrand. For valuable information regarding investing in homes visit You can also find useful investor resources in the free newsletter at
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