At first glance the law of attraction might sound like some sort of simple “positive thinking” scheme. But a deeper look into this mysterious law shows it has some physical substance to it, and its not as “airy-fairy” as people might make it out to be. Further yet, there are some interesting success stories revolving around it. But if you are like me, you might have lost hope in the law of attraction before it had time to take affect. I have to admit that I am starting to believe in it more and more after some simple research which I present here.
The Law of attraction states: Like attracts like, and we attract those things in our life that we focus on with intent and energy. For example you could attract a positive financial situation in your life if you do positive things with the finances you already have. An example might be if you gave to charities and became even more prosperous as a result. Or on the other hand, if you are a "Scrooge," you might experience a bad financial situation as a result. Further law of attraction theorists go onto say that our intentions have to be aligned with our actions in order for it to work. The law of attraction concept became mainstream with the 2006 best selling book "The Secret," which also was sold as a movie.
So what is really going on with the Law of Attraction and how do you explain it in physical terms?
I suspect the law of attraction operates on many levels, but one that can easily be explained is the placebo effect. describes the placebo effect as: A remarkable phenomenon in which a placebo — a fake treatment, an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution — can sometimes improve a patient’s condition simply because the person has the expectation that it will be helpful. Expectation plays a potent role in the placebo effect. The more a person believes they are going to benefit from a treatment, the more likely it is that they will experience a benefit.
In other words, the sheer power of mental intent causes a physical reaction in your body to mimic the outcome of what you believe will happen. You are essentially telling your body to respond in the way you believe it should respond. But the law of attraction appears to operate beyond just our physical bodies. I believe there is something else going on which I call subconscious cues.
A subconscious cue is basically programming our reality to react from our subtle subconscious behaviors and intents. To give an example of this, you can be having a conversation with someone and the body language you project is telling them your true feelings – despite what’s coming out of your mouth. Your subconscious is projecting your intent without your conscious realization. You might be leaving this subconscious programming with everything you see and touch.
The bigger picture:
The law of attraction appears to work on an even bigger scale if you take a closer look beyond mere positive thinking. Some would say it operates on a huge metaphysical level, and I’ve found some experiments to back up these claims. One particular experiment was done in the summer of 1993 in Washington DC based on the Maharishi Effect – claiming that, “Measurable effects can be seen on an entire society when a small number of people in the society practice various forms of Transcendental Meditation.” In this experiment nearly 4,000 people gathered in Washington D.C. to meditate on reducing crime. During an 8-week period, violent crime decreased by 20%. Scientists put this at a 2 in 1 billion chance that this reduction could have occurred by chance. This experiment shows that intent might have made a real physical outcome. It’s absolutely fascinating if you ask me.
The power of intent seems to be pretty powerful even on a smaller level as well. Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto demonstrated this with something as simple as water. In his experiments Emoto would play music, say prayers, or just direct thoughts of loving intent towards water before he would freeze it. The water would form beautiful ice crystals as a result. On the contrary, if he projected hateful or angry intent towards the water before freezing it, he would find chaotic and disorganized crystallization.
Some people swear on their lives that the law of attraction is something real. Yet others can’t wrap their minds around a concept so magical. But the one thing I’ve found to be true is a lyric from the Rolling Stones:
“You can’t always get what you want.
But if you try sometimes, well you just might find,
You get what you need.”
That seems to be the reality of it all. We may have the intent to try really hard to make something manifest in our lives. But in the end – the universe, god, random events, whatever you want to call it – gives us what we need. And we may not realize it in the moment, but hindsight shows how experience can make you a better person.
Jim Camut, editor of, strives to bring forward ideas that can help us live healthier, enlightened, happier, and more wholesome lives. His passion of total well-being comes with his pursuit as a professional athlete. is about moving ideas forward that expand our minds and amplify our total wellness and well-being. It is growing community of thinkers, innovators, and all those who want to help manifest the level well-being allowing us to live the fullest lives we can imagine.
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