My commitment this year is to get myself out in the world in a big way, so I can help more people lose their shame, find their courage, explore their gifts, and make the world a better place. This is my mission and purpose in the world and I’m going to do everything I can do to make it happen, and I will never give up. Dinosaur Voice, Ptooie, I spit on you!

My new business is Vicki Hannah Lein: Daring to Be Joyful in Business and Life. I want to start a Joy Revolution to help people practice Radical Joyfulness. I figure unless you woke up with a Joy Hangover this morning, you need this as much as I do.

Here are three great truths: Postponing your joy is dangerous, you have to laugh to live, and the five paragraph essay has done more to discourage writing than any other single activity. This is why helping people stay in touch with their joy so they can be the best partners, parents, business owners or gardeners they can be is my quest.

Here are three options to help you be more joyful every day.

1. Reboot Your Joy for One Week
Did you wake up with a Joy hangover this morning? No? Me neither.
When a friend of mine was having trouble getting her Joy Mojo back, I put together a week of emails to help her Reboot her Joy. Short and sweet.

2. “Now! Now! Now!" Might Not Kill You Now, but It will Suck All the Joy Out of Now
My new blog, Joy Juice Bar: The Urgency Antidote, was created because I have gotten so overwhelmed with GOOD STUFF, I forgot how to just enjoy every day. I'm putting links to great help to relax and refocus, like EFT Tapping sessions. Songs, movies, tips – I hope to make you laugh or smile every time.

3. A One Minute Little Miracle
I made this fun video of my husband Murray showing how a one minute activity could change your mood, improve the oxygen flow to your brain, and bring more joy into the world. Great for shifting a classroom, sibling tussle, or for anytime you are about ready to lose your cool.

Author's Bio: 

Vicki Hannah Lein is an international motivational speaker, singer/songwriter, author, and Joy Expert. If you did not wake up this morning with a joy hangover, but you are intrigued by the idea, sign up for a Week of Joy here: