Looking for something new in your life? Are you just tired of the status quo? Maybe your life has taken a couple of unlucky turns, and you’re feeling left behind. It could be your job, your career or lack of one, your marriage, your level of education, your religious affiliation, or lack of this, as well. Whatever situation, you can rest assured you’re not alone. There are tens of thousands feeling the same way, somewhere in the world.
Before we go any further, I’d like to remind you of this well-known fact. Steve Jobs, whom I believe we’ve all heard of, was born out of wedlock, put up for adoption at birth, dropped out of college, and then changed the world, so to speak! Where would technology be today without his remarkable contribution to practically all of us? Let this sink in for a few moments and hope that it might give us inspiration to do something that might change our lives.
It’s time to stand up and go after something that you’ve only dreamed of, until now! Please don’t be afraid of not knowing how to go about it. There’s an incredible amount of help out there in cyberspace. You just have to search for it, and we can help. There are virtually millions of websites out there offering the help you’re looking for, but please be wary of many.
First, you need to look inward and try to see what it is you think you want to change in your life. This could take some courage if you honestly look squarely at yourself. Do you know what you want? Do you know why you want it? Are you willing to pay the price to get it? I can tell you this, the longer you wait, and the older you get, the harder it is to break the do-nothing syndrome. It takes will-power, determination, and commitment to rise above the crowd, but if you have these qualities, you’re able to go!
Now we have to get down to the “how-to-do-it”. If you already know what it is you want to change, or acquire, then you pretty much have your personal goal in place. If you’re not sure what it is you want to tackle first, then you have to go through a personal assessment, called a “situation analysis”, that when finished, will clearly show you what your first goal should be. The question know becomes, do you know how to proceed from here?
When you have established what your goal is going to be, you must then put a strategic plan in place that will ensure that you accomplish your goal. This is without a doubt the single most essential element in determining whether you’ll be successful or not. The strategic plan must be clear, concise, and easily understood. It is not rocket science because strategies are nothing more than clearly written statements that spell out every step you’re going to take to achieve your goal. The reason this planning process works is if you run into obstacles while working any particular strategy, then change that strategy and replace it with a different one and carry on again.
If you genuinely work this process, and do it well, you will achieve your goal guaranteed. You see, eventually you will find the right strategies to achieve your goal. Never give up! The reason that so many goals fail is because of the roadblocks we run into, and then we just stop trying. Don’t ever give up. Be like “Steve”. Change the strategy, not the goal!

Author's Bio: 

Dedicated to Helping People Achieve Their Goals in Life. After spending 39 years with a fortune 500 company and working primarily with goal setting and strategic planning, I now offer this expertise to anyone wishing to learn how to set and achieve goals.