Undoubtedly yes, online selling is the most profitable and fruitful business to be in. Now you must be thinking why to put additional efforts and why to take my traditional business and become an online seller? I ask why not? Give me some really genuine reasons for not bringing your offline business to online and become an online seller. I would love to hear that.

But today let me inform you what’s in it for you if you take your offline business online. There are a whole lot of perks that you never even thought of getting with an online business.


How many hours do you open your store or a shop? 8 hours or 9? or a maximum of 10 hours? But think about online selling? It’s open for 24 hours for the whole 7 days in a week and throughout the year. There are no such things as public holidays or lunch hours or weekends or even festive holidays in online business. It stays open throughout the year. Can you imagine the amount of business you will get when your online shop is open 24 hours? Just try doing the math you will get it, my friend.


Quite frankly, let’s face the fact no business runs without profits. Everyone is here to earn an extra amount of money and when you become a part of online business you have 24*7 online presence resulting in, increasing the reach of potential customers and get the attention of people whom you could never have approached physically. Thus, more business and more profits.


By the way, tell me one thing, how much you pay for your shop rent? What is your monthly electricity bill? And yes, how much you give away on your warehouse? And also, what is the salary of those workers who are working in your shop? Haha, do you know how much you can save with online business? All the above-mentioned costs. You can cut away all these extra expenses with online selling and can start your online business in one tiny room only with an internet connection.


3 out of 4 people do online research and compare prices before buying anything even a coffee mug. People tend to buy services and products from those who have a strong online presence because somehow it builds a trust factor within them. So yes being online present will eventually improve your company image resulting in more business and profits.


Tell me practically, how many customers you can reach with offline business? Only in your area or in the neighborhood? Accept the fact, we all have become so busy and lazy in our lives that we rather buy things online than offline. Nobody likes to travel a mile to buy those sporty sports shoes or that pretty dress, no matter how popular you are. Everyone likes to shop in the comfort of their houses. Online business gives you the power to showcase your business on a global level. There is no limit of, connecting with new customers and expanding your business not in your country but throughout the world.


Wouldnt you like, if you think of something to buy and you get amazing deals on it? Something like this happens with e-commerce businesses. Tracking and reacting accordingly to the customer’s likes and dislikes is a weapon you will never ever get in an offline business. E-commerce platform’s algorithms work so brilliantly that they show your products automatically to those who need them and looking for them. You can use this weapon and retarget those customers and focus more on those products who are giving you the maximum business.


Well, to be honest, there are hundreds of advantages of doing online business in this golden era of technology because, with an online business, buyers shop more frequently. Most of the time they actually don’t need a product still they end up buying it on the online store. Online selling opens the door of new opportunities and possibilities for you. If I can sum up everything in one line then I would say you need to have an online presence not only for you but because your prospects and customers expect you to have one. for more information to visit us - https://www.ketsaal.com

Author's Bio: 

Ketsaal provides flipkart & amazon seller service in India to manage all your online business operations like analytic services, marketplace product launch services, cataloging, account reinstatement services. Contact us at +91-827-931-4960.