Does Money Equal Happiness?

Is it possible to achieve a certain form of happiness even as adults? But above all, what does it mean to be happy?

Perhaps it means to be wealthy, powerful, and famous? To have everything from life or at least what one has always wanted? Or does it mean to have much more than others so that no one can be like you?

If that were the case, happiness would not exist because there would always be those who have something we cannot possess.

Precisely for that reason, many people say that happiness does not exist mainly because they have never experienced it, not being able to recognize and appreciate it.

Perhaps, such people believe happiness is a permanent state or something that, once achieved, lasts forever. But, unfortunately, it is not. The best custom writing experts often have a hard time when dealing with this topic, so let’s delve deeper into it.

So what is happiness?

When asked “Are you happy?” each of us answers based on the moment in which we find our state of mind.

The same question asked at different times will result in different answers.

Happiness can be tied to our childhood, and it is what we continually seek. Therefore, it cannot be considered an absolute state but something temporary that can occur depending on the events we take part in and our state of mind during those events.

Also, the other happiness-related question is, “Have you been happy?” It is usually addressed to older people and implies that the interlocutor evaluates their life and gives a summarized answer. Of course, it does not mean that they have always been happy. The answer will be based on a series of considerations that depend on the sad or joyful memories that emerge at the moment of questioning or the importance of those memories.

The happiness of adults, therefore, is something impalpable and temporary and depends mainly on the degree of satisfaction we are able to confer upon our life.

Unsatisfied people can never consider themselves happy because they cannot fully appreciate what they already have. The same goes for the envious who waste their lives to look at and compare themselves with others.

Both those types of people will live through happy moments, but those moments will be brief because they will not recognize and appreciate them fully.

Can you measure happiness with money?

It is clear that the more money we have in the bank, the more we can withdraw in case of need so that even during major emergencies, the balance will remain positive.

This is also the case with the vicissitudes of life: the more happy moments we experience, the more happiness we accumulate. So, if we have more positive moments, we will be able to bear the negative ones. Even if the present is overshadowing us with sadness, there’s the past and the future good that outweighs darkness.

If we manage to catalog the memories of the present in time and in the right light without giving them disproportionate importance, then when we arrive at the terminal of our life and turn back to analyze it, the happiness “balance” will certainly be positive.

However, if the sad moments (the “withdrawn” sums) are higher than the payments, the bill will be all “in red,” and our life might seem to us as a failure.

But how to fill your current account of life to avoid that last outcome?

The solution is to make many deposits, even small, trying to savor those splinters of happiness that strike us from time to time: the first kiss, a nice movie, a company of loved ones and friends, a walk at the beach, a golden sunset, and other countless moments of joy that happen to us over the years.

In the pursuit of happiness, you must capture the fleeting moment of these small episodes, memorize them, put them in your baggage of memories, and get them out at the right times, namely, when the sadness will have the upper hand and knock on the door, claiming its bounty.

Then there is also the lasting joy, happiness in a broader sense, the one desired by all of us. Some see it in a successful marriage, others in the children who fill us with pride and love, but perhaps this is only the sum of all the happy little moments we accumulate in the hope that, once we have reached the end, our life account remains in the black.

Author's Bio: 

Sujit is a full time blogger and contributor at Cryptoknowmics. He likes to share informative articles. Cryptoknowmics provides latest altcoin news today.