Intuition is a direct perception of a truth or fact that is independent of any reasoning process. It is the quality or ability of having keen and quick insight or immediate apprehension. Intuition is easily defined; what most of you have difficulty with is how to listen to intuition and trust it completely.

Everyone is intuitive; some people are born with this quality more developed and a few were supported in their younger years to pay attention to those gut feelings or the subtle signs that exist all around them. Most people were conditioned to ignore it; yet you can develop a strong intuitive nature and be adept at listening to and trusting in the subtle inner voice that can help you make any decision in an absolute instant.

The voice I am speaking of is not a booming voice out of the sky nor will it necessarily sound like someone else speaking to you. It is far more subtle and this is the very reason you may not realize you have heard your intuition all along, and ignored it because you don't recognize how it speaks to you.

In all the years I have been working with individuals and or groups, I have come to realize we are too busy being busy ignoring our more subtle senses that communicate with us through our feelings. If you are not in touch with your feelings due to too much mental or physical activity or are engaged in things that numb your senses like drugs or alcohol, it is very difficult to hear your intuition never mind attaining peace of mind by trusting it.

Society and school systems have dictated each of us spend endless energy exercising our brains attempting to develop our logical minds so we can figure everything out, rather than encouraging us to pay attention to and trust our feelings. As a result most of us are in fear of making the wrong choice regardless of all the mental gymnastics applied to assure a certain outcome or absolute guarantee.

As a result most have live their lives by default only occasionally realizing through 20/20 hindsight they were indeed being inwardly guided; but because they didn't understand how it speaks, they turned a deaf ear ignoring both the inner feelings as well as the supportive outer signs only to find out after the fact they should have followed that subtle gut feeling all along.

Your mental, physical and emotional bodies play a tremendous role in assisting you in listening to your intuition. Intuition will begin its dialogue with an inspirational thought; the thought will generate a feeling that will be sensed as either a feel good, like excitement, enthusiasm, a warm peaceful sensation or it can be a feel bad. Either feeling will then be accompanied by and confirmed with multiple outer signs to assure you are moving in the right direction or to stop your motion.

Your feelings are your inner navigational system; directing you to choose correctly regarding any decision. The outer supportive signs will arrive in multiple forms and will be dropped right in front of your nose suggesting you move forward or to stop right where you are.

When you are on the track that is right for you, you will continue to feel excited and enthusiastic; as you follow the outer signs. You will be in awe as things will simply appear to fall into place, the right people show up out of the blue as well as whatever else it is you need to support what you desire.

When we are on the wrong track because you opted to ignore those initial warnings of slight discomfort, regardless of whether the nagging sensation is in your gut, your head, chest, or elsewhere, your intuition will simply resort to raising the volume of its voice. Turning our attention away from what is best for us only causes the messenger to get louder and the slight discomfort can move quickly to an actual pain and the pain if not acknowledged can escalate into a disease or we create some adverse outcome. So it is important for you to recognize which part of your body is acting the role of messenger so you know how to follow the very advice you asked for.

Your intuition will use more than just feelings of good or bad to properly and safely navigate your way; it will use dreams, as well as outer signs that will come to you through the various forms of music, books, photos, anything and everything in nature, as well as other people to get the message across to you and you can still use your feelings to confirm the validity of the outer sign. If you insist on watching TV all the time, it will use this vehicle as well.

Too often we do not trust in what we are sensing or feeling or even what is right in front of our face, because often times when intuition is speaking to us there appears to be no logic or rational. This causes us to revisit each decision numerous times with ongoing mental gymnastics due to the self-doubt that arises in an instant after making a choice. At some time or another you will find yourself in a situation that does not warrant time to figure it all out before making a move and this is when it will be imperative to trust your feelings.

Until such time you are in full trust where the answer simply comes; as a thought accompanied by a feel good or feel bad; you can train yourself to get a quick yes or no from your feelings by simply asking your body to show you what a no feels like, as well as what a yes feels like. Normally a yes will feel very good and a no will be just the opposite. Keeping it simple is very valuable in navigating your way. You can also ask multiple questions that only require a yes or no answer so you can be gracefully guided through the most complex situations.

This is a practice technique and can be used in any decision making process. You can use it to decide what to wear, what to eat, where to go, whom to be with and the more you use it the more adept you become at trusting that feeling so in any given moment even and especially if there is any type of havoc about. Sit still, close your eyes and continue to present mental questions or speak them out loud to yourself until such time you are adept at posing the question and feeling the answer in an instant.

Be kind to yourself and especially be patient, as it takes some time to free you from the captivity of the rational mind. Be disciplined in being willing to do what it takes to be still in order to feel.
Intuition stems from the higher authority within you and is also helping you with trust and faith in self.
As you surrender to the subtle feelings and are willing to look for the outer signs of confirmation of intuition taking one small step at a time it will always take you in the direction that is for best for you.

Copyright Eloryia RA 2011

Author's Bio: 

Eloryia RA is a transformation Facilitator and, is dedicated to the mission of guiding you to your greatest potential so you may realize your magnificence and create the life you desire.

Eloryia is a spiritual coach, radio host, featured guest on television, published author, artist, photographer, clairvoyant, clairaudient, retreat and workshop leader, emotional release therapist, spiritual and psychic teacher and reader.

One of Eloryia's many tools is aura portrait which combines her sharp intuition with her artistic talents. For 30+years Eloryia has guided many out of their self-imposed conditioned fear into the state of love; where they trust in the love of self and their innate gifts and talents.

In an Aura Portrait with full reading and healing mandala you receive your Soul's unique story, its evolution, heart intention and life mission with images and words to help you remember and embrace the truth of you so you can easily and gracefully aspire to your greatness, because you already are magnificent."

An aura portrait is a wonderful catalyst to shift your conditioned reality that causes you to manifest lack of all wonderful things, to be in harmony with our highest soul intention and to realize and live Heaven on Earth