Internet marketing has become the number one way for almost anyone to start a business online. The idea of earning millions while working only a few hours a day sure sounds great. There are countless training programs that promise instant riches but the reality is that very few people ever even make $50 - not to mention millions. Its tough. Its incredibly competitive and takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

While there is so much information out there, the real challenge is in finding good information. Its seems like its become "okay" for internet marketers to "lie" and to exaggerate. Countless newbies are getting scammed every day by so-called internet marketing guru's who are preying on the uninformed and those who are gullible.

Information and strategies change daily. Things are moving quickly and if you want to be successful then you have to keep up. In the end information and strategies won't make you succeed. What you need more than anything is the right mindset. Let me offer to you 3 mindsets that you need to have to be successful.

1. Persistence

What most gurus won't tell you is that most of what you will try online won't work. Most of the websites you put up won't work. Most of your advertising campaigns won't work. Its just part of the game. You need to be able to make it through the disappointment of failure and keep going - no matter what.

2. Optimism and positivity

Getting down and discouraged is something that all affiliates go through. The question is not whether you are going through a bad patch or not but rather what you will do about it. You need to find a way to stay optimistic. Its a scientific fact that optimists succeed simply because they are the ones who are looking for opportunity. Pessimists on the other hand are those who are looking for what's wrong and why nothing can work.

3. Learning

If there is one mindset you need to cultivate then its that of someone who learns non stop. The internet marketing space is evolving daily and you need to learn fast - and learn a lot. If you get stuck in your ways then you will get left behind. You need to keep up and learning is something that will become your best friend if you are going to be a successful affiliate and have some longevity in this business.

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