Most of us who work in the corporate world are familiar with the concept of "out-sourcing." When a job situation puts a strain on the resources readily at hand, we bring in outside experts to help. Just a phone call away are technical consultants who can develop systems for computer networks, personnel specialists to search for job candidates, engineering firms to conduct feasibility studies, or independent arbitrators to review contract disputes. You simply use your Blackberry or go on-line to find the expert's number and pick up the phone to make the call.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could deal with stress the same way? For every personal problem that arose, we'd have a number to call to bring in an expert to help us solve the problem.
The fact is, this system is already in place twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week! It applies the business world's out-sourcing techniques to your personal life, but the difference is that you go inside - instead of outside - for the help you need. It's called "in-sourcing" - or turning to your "inside" experts to help when a personal situation arises that creates more stress than you feel you can normally handle.
At the office when you need an expert to help solve a business crisis you refer to a directory of available consultants and dial a number to reach the resource. In-Sourcing works the same way, only you don't need AT&T or your cell phone to make the call. The ten-digit number in this case is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, counting to ten before responding to the event that is putting you on boil. It's the first step of in-sourcing, the "call" that leads to the core of your persona, the inner self who knows that the sum of who you are totals much more than the angry feelings that may be raging on the surface.
When you halt the rush to judgment and slow the tide of rising anger, you can separate yourself from the event and see what is happening with more objectivity. You give yourself a few moments of time to put the incident in perspective and figure out which of your inner strengths is needed to resolve the situation. Counting to ten, one of the oldest in-sourcing techniques for dealing with stress gives us a chance to leaf through our "internal Contact List" and get connected with the right "consultant" to call for help.
Given a somewhat simplified personification, it can be said that seven stress-resolving "consultants" reside within us. Their "offices" are located in the energy centers, or chakras, that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Eastern religions teach that each energy center is the source of a spiritual life-lesson that teaches us self-control. The following is a capsule summary of the life-lessons taught by the seven chakras (from the book "Anatomy of the Spirit" by Caroline Myss, Ph.D.).
· The first chakra: lessons related to the material world
· The second chakra: lessons related to sexuality, work, and physical desire
· The third chakra: lessons related to the ego, personality, and self-esteem
· The fourth chakra: lessons related to love, forgiveness, and compassion
· The fifth chakra: lessons related to will and self-expression
· The sixth chakra: lessons related to mind, intuition, insight, and wisdom
· The seventh chakra: lessons related to spirituality
When we learn to identify, understand, and ultimately master the personal and spiritual powers residing in our energy centers, we can give each chakra an "extension" number we can "dial" when stress prompts us to make our "count-to-ten" call.
Let's say you become embroiled in a spat with your parent, or spouse, or child and you feel hurt and aggravated. You can use the in-sourcing technique to prevent the situation from escalating because now you know who to call for help! Simply dial 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, regain your composure, and ask for extension number 4, the chakra related to love, forgiveness, and compassion. If the stressful situation has to do with a financial problem, ask for extension 1, the source of lessons related to the material world. If you have a difficult decision concerning a life-changing option, ask for extension 6, the chakra providing intuition, insight, and wisdom. And so on.
In-sourcing is not something you learn in a single session. It can take a lifetime to master. But the rewards are immeasurable and are recognizable from day one of the process as many of my clients can attest. You have the power within you to change your life.

Author's Bio: 

A frequent speaker at regional and local seminars, Arlene has a Masters Degree in Social Work from Loyola University and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Illinois. She has experience as a marriage and family therapist with a practice in individual and group psychotherapy.
A National Board Certified Clinical Hypno-therapist, Arlene has trained at the world-famous Wellness Institute in Issaquah, Washington, specializing in Heart-Centered Hypno-behavioral therapy, a proven intervention for the treatment of phobias, addictions and psycho- formative ailments. She has completed Levels 1 and 2 of EMDR training, a treatment especially helpful to heal Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder, and has trained as a Psych-K practitioner, a technology that quickly reprograms limiting beliefs.
To further complete her skills in Mind/Body modalities Arlene has completed training as a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher.
Arlene has taught self-hypnosis to other counselors, social workers and community groups and developed a series of experiential workshops to further assist people in their journey to wellness.