Each year, about 2.5 lakh students look for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) conducted by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT). Between them, only about 5000 students are nominated.
The set-up of the exam
The IIT-JEE is one of the most inexpensive exams in the country. The investigation shadows no fixed format. An examination of the last three year's question papers displays that there were two separate papers of three hour duration. Both Paper 1 and Paper 2 involved sections on chemistry, physics and mathematics. The questions are of the senior-secondary educational level.
In what way to score in mathematics?
The unit on mathematics involve simple, stereotypical questions as well as interesting and complex difficulties. You should be able to explain them both. Before start to solve a problem, detect what accurately needs to be answered. Drawing a rough or diagram from the given data and writing the suitable symbols and equations will help you in resolving the difficult.
Read the difficult carefully so that you recognize what you are supposed to discovery. Identify the data and situations that have been provided with the difficult. Once you have create an answer, recheck it. In various-choice questions, try to recognize the choices that cannot be accurate.
While trying questions, do not waste time on any single question. Try to solve the easy questions first and then move to the difficult ones. There may be harmful marking, so solving the answer is not a respectable idea. You should attempt and try mock question papers. There are numerous websites that deliver mock practice tests.
Preparation for physics
The section on physics does not monitor any exact format. Individual questions, which include detailed answers, are not asked now. But this may modification. Numerous Choice Questions with more than one accurate answer may be enquired. At least one of the enquiries will be based on a testing.
Be sure that you have learned all the meanings and formulae in each section. Don't just learn them. It is necessary to understand the expectations including in deriving a formula. Write down essential methods in a separate notebook. In the days previously the exam, sensibly review chapters and recall the methods and laws in each chapter. Give special politeness to the problem areas in each chapter. In the physics paper, inspection the given answer for dimensional constancy is often very obliging.
Preparation for chemistry
There will be questions from all three divisions of chemistry - physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. At least four different kind of questions are asked.
There will be enquiries with four other answers, of which only one is right. Several choice questions with more than one right answer are also asked. Reasoning type questions includes two statements which have to be connected with each other. Only one answer is exact. A fourth kind of question is also asked. You will be given a paragraph asserting certain facts, from which a set of three questions is asked with four alternate answers. Only one answer will be precise.
Examsnet is a free online exam practice site with mock tests, model papers, previous papers with solutions and downloads - JEE, NEET, SSC, UPSC, CBSE, TET, RRB, MBA, MCA, Engineering, Medical, BANK, and others
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