Human existence and its species’ continuation are dependent on their ability to reproduce. However, unlike other living things, a human being can choose whether or not to give rise to offspring; in this case, you can decide depending on factors like how often you have sex and your general health. Thanks to Lilian Schapiro, a leading specialist in family planning and gynecological matters, her team of experts offers experiential services on ideal birth control in McDonough.

 Dr. Lilian and her team's honest and compassionate relationship with their patients binds women seeking advice on placing IUD devices and making other birth control choices. For more information and consultations, call the McDonough or Atlanta, Georgia office of Ideal Gynecology or plan an appointment through today's online tool!

Birth Control question and answers

What Is Birth Control?

Birth control is placing yourself in a managerial position of your fertility by planning what time in your life is convenient for pregnancy and not leaving it to chance.

What Are Some of the Considerations to Take in Selecting Birth Control Methods?

Here are some questions to consider:

  • How do you feel about getting pregnant? Would an early pregnancy be welcomed, or would it cause stress on you and your partner?
  • What health risks are there in a given method?
  • How effective is the method in preventing pregnancy?
  • Is your partner willing to agree with your birth control choice?
  • Do you want a method that you only use during intercourse or one that is continuously in place?
  • How available is the method, and would you use it without a provider's list or prescription?

What Types of Birth Control Methods Are There for You to Choose?

There are various types of contraception such as:

  1. Barrier Methods

They prevent sperm from getting into the vagina. They include internal condoms and condoms.

Condoms prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. They are readily available, and you can buy them from shops, supermarkets, or pharmacies.

  1. Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)

LARC is durable and there are two types:

The implant lasts for five years, and the intrauterine device lasts for three, five, or ten years. LARC is the most effective contraception, and once they are placed in, you don't need to take contraception daily.

  1. Emergency Contraception

There are two types: copper IUD and emergency contraceptive pill (ECP). ECP is three days from the day of unprotected sexual intercourse. ECPs are recommended for patients with an average weight below 70 kg and IUD for those above 70 kg. Copper IUD is put in five days from the day of sexual intercourse. It's 99% effective.

  1. Hormonal Contraceptives

They alter the chemical messenger’s balance to prevent pregnancy. They include Depo Provera injections and pills.

Depo Provera injections are administered every three months, whereas pills are in two types: progesterone-only contraceptive pill and the combined oral contraceptive pill. Their prescription is to take one tablet daily.

Why Should You Choose Ideal Gynecology Birth Control Services?

Ideal Gynecology gives patient-centered services equipping patients with information and tools to prevent or manage pregnancies and establish health goals effectively. Our health care providers deliver services to the satisfaction of the national health care standards and provide the current medical information to make informed decisions concerning your well-being and health.

Our health care providers comprehend you might be working on a busy schedule and so we are flexible to provide you with timely services like a walk-in appointment. To learn more, call any of our offices or book an appointment on the online feature today!

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.