The last few weeks I've been testing a new high performance technique. Having been trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I'm always fascinated by how when you give your brain a new directive how it responds.

It all started on a phone call with a client of mine who was planning out a teleconference where the goal was to get 10 people on it. Now, that could be an excellent outcome, but I felt he had set the bar too low. And rather than challenging him on attendance, I decided to focus on another more powerful angle.

So I asked him this question:

"What if you HAD to generate 10 times more revenue in the next six months? Imagine that your wife is sick and the cure is going to cost $100,000 and insurance won't cover it. You have to come up with this additional income. What would you do differently than you are doing now?"

Light bulb goes off.

His response, "Wow, I'd focus on getting 100 people in my program so that means I have to get 500 on the free call."

Bingo. Now he was thinking bigger.

By setting a goal so outrageously high, your mind starts to attack the challenge very differently. It's like you engage a whole new set of muscles. Kind of like when you switch from weight lifting to yoga. You are challenging yourself to be "fit" from a totally different approach.

Want to take on this challenge for yourself? Here are the steps I took my clients through these last few weeks.

Will the Business Model Deliver?

One of the biggest a-ha moments that the people I work with experience is when we have them evaluate the revenue generating models from our program against what they are doing now. Nine out of ten times the model will NEVER be able to generate that much revenue quickly.

Decide Who Do You Need to Be

Often when we make a big leap forward, we have to face who we are being - is our mindset, attitude, behaviors and habits aligned with the desired outcome? If you truly want to get a 10x increase in revenue in the next 6 months, what would you have to be willing to do differently? Trust me, if you haven't done it yet, you have to be willing to do things different now.

Release What's In the Way

One of the habits of a high 6 to 7 figure earner is they stop doing anything that isn't getting the results they want. If you have programs, opportunities or projects that can't deliver 10 times increase in revenue - why are you doing them? Thinking in this very powerful and strategic way can cause you to actually HAVE the time to get this kind of result.

For instance, a while back I was working with the CEO of a service-based business on growth opportunities when we discovered she was spending about 35% of her time launching a program that would net less than 10% of her income. Needless to say, she stopped working on it.

Same goes for releasing toxic situations. Be willing to minimize your exposure to anything that is not in alignment with where you are going.

Accept Results in the Middle

The point of this exercise is to get you bigger results than you've been getting up to now. It's not meant to make you crazy, to stress you out or to cause you to feel like a failure because you didn't get to 10 times your current revenue. By falling somewhere between today's results and the bigger opportunity, you will have a huge win!

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And now I invite you to get FREE instant access to your special report, 101 Ways To Triple Your Income and Double Your Time Off when you visit today.

You'll learn how to uncover hidden gold in your daily tasks that can be delegated or outsourced immediately to help you focus on more profitable activities.

From Melanie Benson Strick - The Entrepreneur's Success Coach.

I teach entrepreneurs how to stop feeling overwhelmed so they can create more money, more freedom and more prestige. Get your free report today so you can do the same.