Your list of leads and clients is your retirement. It’s your goldmine that will feed you and your family for decades to come. Your first priority in marketing is building your list. Your second priority is building a relationship with your list over time by providing excellent value again and again.

Here are 3 fast and easy ways to list building…

1. Get a List Management Tool to Hold All the Names You Collect
No – your Outlook doesn’t count! You need a powerhouse program that makes it easy for people to sign up to your list and easy for you to email them regularly. I prefer 1 Shopping Cart:
because it does everything: organize products, sends automatic emails (Auto Responders), and manages your clients and affiliate program…plus much more.

2. Give Something Away For Free To Get People To Join Your List
Most websites miss out on a huge opportunity because they don’t capture a visitor’s name and email. It’s like a guest coming to your house and you completely ignore them! Shouldn’t you at least offer them a cup of tea or a sweet treat? Otherwise they’ll just leave you and never come back.

This is why I recommend offering something to your website visitor that they can’t refuse. And offering them a free subscription to your ezine isn’t enough! If you want to build your list fast, you need something with high perceived value like a free Special Report, eCourse or Audio Download.

Make your Special Report really shine. Your goal is to get people to say, “Wow! If the free stuff is this good then the paid stuff must be awesome!”

Oh…and don’t hide your free give-a-way within your site. Make it obvious to your visitor right away what they’re supposed to do. I use an “Opt-in Page” as my first page in my website. It’s clear to my visitor that they get free, valuable information. If you don’t want an “Opt-in Page” as your landing page then put an “Opt-in Box” on the upper right corner of your website.

3. Drive Traffic to Your Site
Once your shopping cart is set up to gather your visitor’s info and your Special Report is ready to “Wow” your audience, all that’s left is getting people to your site.

Here are just some of the ways you can drive traffic to your site to build your list:

* Write Articles.
You can submit them to article directories and directly to other ezines. Make sure you have a call to action at the end of every article that tells the reader to go to your site to pick up your free offer.

* Get Other People to Promote Your Offer.
Network with others who already have a list of your target market…and are not direct competitors. If that person is an affiliate they get a percentage of every sale they send your way. It’s a win-win.

* Offer Teleclasses.
Make people register with their name and email to your teleclass – Wholla! You just captured a lead. (And you can use your affiliates to promote the call for you to their list.)

* Speak
One of the fastest ways to grow your list is get out and speak to audiences of your target market. Raffle off something so you gather all their business cards (and be sure to tell them that they will be subscribed to your list.) Speaking works so well because people connect with you right away. You’re also perceived as an expert instantly.

As you build your list you want to keep in touch with them regularly. The more great value you give the more your website will be passed around. You’ll get momentum and soon your list will grow on its own!

Author's Bio: 

James Roche, “The Info Product Guy”, has developed an easy way to create e-books, audio programs, teleclasses, and other information products. In only 3 steps you can create a money-making marketing strategy and info product guaranteed to get you more clients and passive revenue…without thinking so hard! Get his Free Special Report, “3 Secret Steps to Creating An Information Product That Makes You Money”