The history of wedding toast protocol goes back as far as sixth century B.C. In the present day, numerous traditions still are observed, despite the fact that a number of contemporary weaves have made their way to the table. Toasting glasses at a wedding cake ceremony are characteristically champagne glasses. Once the cake has been cut by the married couple, they toast to each other with a glass of champagne, enveloped their arms around one another and then taking a taste of the champagne or the wine.


A "toast" is described as a drink in honor of or to the well-being of a person or event.

Location and Time Lines

There are copious accounts of when the earliest toast was first made. The first in black and white version goes back to a Saxony banquet in 450 A.D., and the most up-to-the-minute is ascribed to Bath, England, in 1709.

Stories of Beginning

The French description by author Tom Haibeck states it began when bread was placed in the foot of the newlyweds' drinking vessels. They would consume the liquids rapidly and, according to the narrative, the champion would be the leader of the family unit. According to historian Paul Dickson, a stunning female was bathing out in the open in England when a suitor filled a cup with toast and her wash water. He drank the cup in her honor. The Saxony however stated that during a banquet legend, the Saxony leader's daughter proffered a toast of good well being to the British King Vortigern and he was so overwhelmed that he bartered his rights to Kent Province in replacement for her hand in marriage.

History of the Term "Toast"

German Toasting Glasses history dictates that the term for the wedding "toast" comes from the sixth century B.C. when Greeks and Romans would drift a portion of toast on top of the wine bowl to infuse the acidity during revelry.


German Toasting Glasses tells the story of how the Greeks would execute a ritual, called a libation that implicated proffering an alcoholic potion to the Gods by standing up and lengthening the drink toward the sky while saying a prayer. This is akin to modern times wedding toast practice, wherein the toaster stands up and extends his drink for the "cheers" after the toast.

Old-School Tradition

According to The Emily Post Institute, the host toasts first at all events, as well as the wedding. So, if the wedding costs were borne by the bride's father, he gets to make the primary toast.

New-School Tradition

In more contemporary years, the best man has the honor of first toast, and then pursued by the maid of honor with her own toast.


The Emily Post Institute notes that the toastmaster stays put during the toast while everyone else sits unless he particularly desires the company present to stand in respect of the newlyweds during the champagne toast.

Toasting Thanks

Despite of who is toasting, they should keep in mind to thank whoever assisted them. Even though it's not required to separately thank each one of the purveyors and friends, toasters should consider to thank those people who hold a unique place during that time.

Making a Memorable Toast

All toasts are completed to demonstrate reverence to the guest of honor. Commence with groundwork and use famous quotes for inspiration. Prepare a handwritten toast that you practice before narrating. Be genuine and incorporate anecdotes, but do not overdo the humor to cover the emotion. Say how greatly the individual means to you and how happy you are to be acquainted with him.

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