Put Your Best Face Forward
By Dr. Ron Ross
The first thing people notice about you is your face. Its expression tells others whether you are friend or foe, trustworthy or not, happy or sad, etc. It is the initial mode of nonverbal communication between you and other people. What does your face say?
Your face tells others how you feel. Such emotions as joy, fear, surprise, disgust, irritableness, or anger are usually spread all over your face and are almost impossible to conceal.
Your face let’s other know whether or not you are really engaged in the transaction. Boredom, concentration, or confusion is easily recognized on your face.
Your face communicates your general temperament and personality. For instance, a shy person, in most cases, does not have to speak to communicate shyness nor does a hostile person need to say even one word to communicate hostility.
Your face communicates guilt or innocence. Have you ever tried to tell a lie without letting your guilt leak out through your face? Unless you’re a practiced liar, it’s hard to do. Many witnesses in trials said one thing and yet the jury believed something else based solely on “the look in their eyes” and “the expression on their face.”
Your face tells your age. A stranger who wants to know your age can either ask for your ID or he can look closely at your face. Asking someone for their ID could be considered meddling while studying their face is less intrusive and nearly as accurate.
Attractiveness begins at the face. People within each culture decided long ago what makes faces attractive or unattractive. They may disagree with people in other cultures about certain characteristics however much of what is considered eye-catching is universal.
Your face communicates health or sickness. A healthy body manifests itself to others through the face. Rosy cheeks, healthy hair, and a bright smile generally come from someone who is physically and emotionally healthy. Facial signs also revel a variety of diseases, easily illustrated on the face of a Down’s Syndrome child. Many other diseases (both mental and physical) are revealed on the face.
Your face helps you teach or learn. In the classroom a teacher’s facial expression will either help or hinder student progress. The faces of students tell the teacher whether or not he/she needs to alter their teaching style or content.
Your face can help or hurt you in your business or on your job. A pleasant countenance attracts others while a disagreeable expression repels.
The ancient Chinese physiognomists (those who study the art of judging human character from facial features) believed that each face could predict its owner’s future.
What is the message written on your face? Are you putting your “best face forward?” When you do, your wiggle out of the mud will come faster and much, much easier.
Visit www.RonRossToday.com to keep up with each “Wiggle Out of the Mud” episode. For feedback write to Dr. Ross: RonRoss@RonRossToday.com
©Copyright 2016 Dr. Ronald D. Ross
Dr. Ron Ross (B.A., M.Div., D.Th.), author/speaker/publisher. For more from Dr. Ross please visit his site: http://www.RonRossToday.com
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