We care about you and we know that on many occasions you have to take your work home or that the
workplace is your home. In this case, you should have a similar environment in your room as it was your office. And you must be dressed in a way that it feels professional and doesn't divert your attention like in office. For tips on how to look the part,
11ish.com is what I'd recommend. Their professional apparels focus on helping you feel confident so that you can focus your attention on your business.

In this post we are going to give you a series of ideas to create a magnificent office in your home:

Determine the space

The first thing is to choose the place to establish your workspace. We recommend that it be an independent room to the rest of the house in order to differentiate the work life from the family, avoiding any type of distraction that makes our task difficult.

If there is no independent space available for this purpose, the best possible solution is to choose the furthest possible place from the living room or kitchen, places where there is more concurrence in our house, so it would be ideal under the stairs, for those who have some, in the corner of the bedroom or in a basement.

According to the data, there are more and more people who decide to work from home and it is proven that this method is healthier, cheaper and more productive, since there is no place more comfortable than the heat of our home.

Choose decoration

Once you have decided on the perfect place to
set up our office, you have to determine what kind of decoration you want, if more classic or neoclassical, if we throw for a more modern environment, or if we decide to give it a rustic but at the same time sophisticated touch, among others many possibilities.

The proper design of the job is linked to productivity, so you have to choose a style according to the personality of the occupant of the space to get more inspiration and concentration. For this, the color of the walls is one of the parts of the decoration that should be given more attention. The choice of neutral and soft tones creates a light and serene space that, among all the benefits it brings, does not tire the view. Instead, deciding on colors that form contrasts causes greater nervousness and lack of attention. One of the most used choices by all those who already have this space in their home is to leave a white wall to express motivating thoughts, ideas and projects in it.

Inside the decoration it is not possible to forget, given its great importance, a common element in all the offices or offices: the table or desk. This should be of adequate size, neither too large nor too small, being of an extension in which a computer, some printer, mouse can be placed and there is enough space to write. As an addition, it is essential that our table has a large drawer where to store the most necessary papers, and a smaller one for work utensils.

Last but not least, for our office to have a greater order and be more aesthetically pleasing, you don't have to overlook the cables, which for better comfort we advise you to use gutters to hide them.


Lighting is essential for a comfortable and productive workplace. It is recommended that natural light be used, so it is better if we have a space with a large window. If this is the case and you have a space like the one indicated, the table or desk should go perpendicular to the window so that the light does not directly affect. If, on the other hand, you do not have the possibility of using natural lighting, you can provide light to your space by means of a lamp on the ceiling of the room as well as by a flexo of cold light on the table.

Seat Choice

The chair is a very important element since it provides comfort and therefore more productivity. The chair must be ergonomic, have good lumbar support and adequate height. For comfort and health, the way to sit should be with the sole of the feet resting on the floor keeping the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Do not forget that the placement of the computer must be correct, with the upper end of the computer at eye level.


A fundamental aspect to work in optimal conditions is to have the entire office collected, something that is complicated but that has to be carried out, so it is very necessary to have good shelves to store all the “paperwork” and work utensils.

Once given the keys to create a space for work at home, we have chosen some examples of perfect offices.

Author's Bio: 

Angelina is a regular contributor at Selfgrowth.com