Known to be the disorder of the facial skin, Rosacea is a non-contagious long lasting disease that causes redness and pimples on nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. Though, it is one of the major diseases which can cause severe problems if ignored for long, yet, a lot of people tend to overlook the symptoms and do not use most effective rosacea skin care treatments due to lack of knowledge and identification.

What causes Rosacea skin care disease?

Although, the accurate causes of Rosacea skin disease are not yet known but it is believed to be a hereditary disease that causes due to vascular disorder or may be related to the nervous system. People with Rosacea have also been found to have the tiny mites called demodex folliculorum that live on our skin. It has also been suggested that there is an extra blood flow which leads to more tissue fluid than the skin can handle, which ultimately results in Rosacea.

The disease can occur due to hot and humid weather, exercise, too much intake of spicy food and alcohol and stress. It can appear between the ages of 30 and 50 and is more common in people with fair complexion.

What are the Symptoms of Rosacea?

The symptoms of rosacea include visible blood vessels on the face, redness of the skin, watery or irritated eyes and bumps or pimples. It may begin as a red, blemished appearance and then expand into pus-filled bumps. In severe cases, the nose may look swollen or red and puffy. It may also be accompanied by crusts or scales on the eyelids and grittiness or burning of the eyes.

What are the treatment of Rosacea?

Though, the treatment of rosacea can be done by using various ointments but the better way to cure rosacea is by using natural products.

Some of the natural ways to treat Rosacea skin disease are:
1. Apply a cold compress to the affected area.
2. Drink plenty of apple juice and grape juice.
3. Wipe the face with diluted witch hazel.
4. Aloe Vera can prove to be soothing for affected areas.
5. Boil chamomile in water and then put the liquid in the fridge. Wipe the cooled liquid onto the affected areas.

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Do you feel the redness and pimples on your face but are not able to decide if it is Rosacea skin disease? Get plenty of information on symptoms and treatment of Rosacea skin disease and other skin problems at