When comparing all the gambling techniques ever invented there are few that are better than the Parlay. The profit potential of the Parlay takes advantage of any sequence of consecutive wins.

The safest methods typically apply to "even money" wagers where the likelihood of winning two, three or more bets in a row are fairly commonplace.

Games such as casino Craps (even money wagers on the "Pass" or "Don't Pass" line bets), Roulette (red/black, odd/even & high/low), Baccarat (player/bank wagers) and most sports betting are all well suited to Parlay wagering. Any betting situation that offers two comparably equal choices will produce the best results.

Let's Break It Down

The term Parlay applies to pyramiding profits with a series of two, three (or sometimes more) consecutive wagers. In this way, a starting bet of $20 wins $80 after two back to back wins. A successful double win Parlay will yield a profit of 3x's the amount of your original bet.

In using a three win Parlay your starting wager of $20 would produce a $160 win or 7 to 1 on your money.

Knowing The Odds

When using the Parlay method it is important to know the odds as they apply to your chances of winning or losing.

The odds of choosing any even money wager correctly 5x's in a row are 31 to 1. This being the case, you would also realize that the chances of betting wrong 5 x's in a row are also 31 to 1. With that said, it is crucial to avoid any betting system that recommends doubling up after a loss even though the odds would seem to favor you not being wrong 5 x's in a row.

Any system that doubles up following a loss can quickly lead to catastrophic losses following any brief string of losing bets.
Although in the "long run" the odds are a mathematical certainty, over the short term (the time which you are using the system) they cannot be counted on to perform this way.

The only betting system that takes this into account are "up-as-you-win" systems. Systems that only increase wagers following a win combine both excellent profit potential and protection from a serious loss.

Best Practices

Based on my 40+ years of gambling experience I find that the best approach when using the Parlay method is to not try for the long odds associated with attempting 4, 5 or more consecutive wins. The best results will come with a maximum two or three win Parlay approach.

Here's how it would work. Initially, I would try for a two win Parlay using a minimum starting wager. After one or two successful parlays I would then begin to increase my starting wager attempting another two win Parlay.

If I manage to increase my original bankroll by 30-50% I would then try for a three win parlay. Following any loss I would revert back to my starting wager and lock in any profit I had accumulated up to that point.
Always keep in mind, you're gambling. There are no sure things. Don't try to be a hero... Always lock up your profits when you have them or they could disappear just as quickly.

You may not have made as large a profit as you could have by taking on more risk, but this way your initial risk capital would be your only risk.

The Odds on any even money proposition's consecutive wins or losses:

*(please use 3 bullets)

5 or more occur 1 in 36 decisions.

7 or more occur 1 in 140 decisions.

8 or more occur 1 in 450+ decisions.

It's perfectly ok to take on a little extra risk to try for a bigger win when betting back profits. It's NOT ok to chase those wins by risking more of your own money.

Sports Betting And The Parlay

Applying the Parlay technique to sports betting requires a few minor alterations. This is due to the fact that sports betting is handled differently than other even money wagers. Even though when betting sports there are only two teams and it should essentially be a toss up, we know it is not.

Sports books adjust their betting "line" to reflect an odds payout for the favored team or the underdog. When you are betting on the underdog you receive the odds while when betting on the favored team you will be paying the odds.

In addition to adjusting the payout, the sports book provides a "point spread." The "point spread" works the same as the odds payout in leveling the money bet on each game. This acts to prevent either team from gaining an edge.

The sports books will always charge a "Vig" or commission on wagers. You are paying them to book your bet. Depending on the sports book they would either charge $110 to win $100 or $60 to win $50. You should be aware that $110 to win $100 is a 10% commission whereas $60 to win $50 is a 20% fee. Obviously, when given the choice you should always choose to pay the lesser amount.

5 Rules To Profit By

1. Never gamble with money you cannot afford to lose.

2. Do not let a winning streak give you a disregard for money.

3. Never try to recoup losses by increasing the size of your bets. Doing this could lead to catastrophic losses.

4. Walk away from a losing streak but always ride out the winning ones. There is an element of luck involved in every game of chance (good luck and bad) When you're running good you want to ride it out to the end and make the most of it.

5. Have a definite money management system in place. Bet minimum amounts when losing. Never double-up after a loss. Bet heaviest when you are winning using the "houses" money to increase your bets.

Using the Parlay method it is best to combine it with a strong bet selection system. A bet selection method that produces a 56% win rate will actually provide an overall profit by simply "flat betting." So playing for double win Parlays would also show a sizable profit. Keep in mind that 44% would be losses.

The next time someone says that you can't win betting on sports... you'll know better than that. Wishing you the very best of luck always.

Author's Bio: 

Ray Walkoczy is the author of SportsBetBreakthrough.com with over 40+ years of professional gambling experience. To learn the bet selection method he uses for sports betting to achieve an 80% win rate click here: EasySportsInvesting and watch the Free video.