Heart surgeries are becoming increasingly popular among all age groups. With self-care taking a back seat, more people are susceptible to developing hypertension and cardiac-related problems. Apart from that, genes also have a significant role to play. Regardless of the cause, we are combating high growing numbers of cardiac cases. The best heart surgery hospital in Bangalore is equipped to help its patients deal with their troubles. A team of proficient personnel is appointed, and they sufficiently guide the patients through the process. Their methodology of dealing with patients is sensible as they record any previous cardiac arrest history and others.

India, as a nation, is also adopting the novelty techniques offered. Several treatment plans are still in their pre-trial phase. But the doctors are keeping an open mind to adapt them. The best heart surgery hospital in Bangalore intends to provide a hassle-free stay for its patients and make their treatment succinct.


There are many steps that one must consider before initiating heart surgery. These steps will enable more efficaciousness and allow people to heal better. There is a plethora of information that needs accumulation before the surgery. A team has to review this data before one can move forward with the procedure. The entire approach consists of a group of people such as cardiologists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, dietician, anesthesiologist and hospital administrator. Once an individual has manifested their data and receives approval from all these people, the steps they must abide by are:

1) First and foremost, there is a psychological and social evaluation pending. In many situations, a person's condition can be impacted after the surgery by triggers like stress, financial issues, family support and significant others. A careful evaluation of these facets must be made.

2) Blood tests must be conducted to discern an appropriate donor match. Finding a suitable donor will lower the chances of rejection.

3) Must run several diagnostic tests to assess the lungs and overall health. This includes getting x-rays, ultrasound procedures, CT scan, pulmonary function tests and dental examinations. Women should also consider getting a pap test, gynecology evaluation and a mammogram. Tests can differ among women because their bodies are more complex.

4) Several other preparations will have to be made, such as that a person getting numerous vaccines to lower the chance of developing infections can infect the new transplant.

Upon completing these steps, the transplant team will carefully revise your interviews, health history, and physical examinations. They will also study your test results to decide whether you are eligible for a heart transplant. Subsequently, when a donor is accepted, they are put on an eligible list. Depending upon organ availability, a candidate is selected contingent on their condition, body size, and blood type. This process typically needs to be quick for the transplant to work. Since these things are unforeseen, people must always stay equipped for rainy days.


These are the parameters that one must consider before the transplant is performed:

1) After taking detailed information about the transplant, do not shy away from asking adequate questions to the healthcare provider.

2) While signing the consent form, go through it carefully and ask any questions if the instructions are unclear.

3) As soon as the hospital notifies a heart's availability, the patient must fast and refrain from eating or drinking.

4)  The patient may be given a sedative to help them relax. These situations can often cause tumult and worry.

5) Because every human body is subjective, its needs are also personal. Contingent on individual health conditions, the doctor may request specific preparation.


The post-transplant period is very crucial because the individual is closely monitored for several days. The nurse regularly takes note of the blood pressure, breathing rate and oxygen level of the patient. The patient may have to stay in the hospital for at least 7 to 14 days after their transplant.

Because the person breathes through the ventilator after the surgery, it may take several days to stabilize their breathing. Once the person feels robust enough to breathe independently, they are consulted by nurses and physical therapists who help them control their breathing.


People should maintain all necessary precautions after their transplant because this is a sensitive time. Their body has undergone a significant change, and it takes time for it to retain normalcy. The diet is of utmost importance and must be regulated thoroughly.

Author's Bio: 

Kathy Mitchell is a writer and avid researcher on the subject of health, beauty, nutrition, and general wellness. She likes to go out with her friends, travel, swim, and practice yoga.