Seminal vesiculitis commonly occurs alongside prostatitis, primarily as a result of retrograde infections. Pathogenic bacteria involved in this condition include Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, and Escherichia coli. Seminal vesiculitis can be categorized into acute and chronic forms. There are three primary modes of infection in seminal vesiculitis:

1. Ascending infections:
Bacteria ascend from the urethra and the ejaculatory duct, reaching the seminal vesicle.

2. Lymphatic infections:
Lymphatic infections refer to inflammation or infections of the seminal vesicles that originate from the genitourinary or intestinal tracts, traveling through the lymphatic pathway.

3. Bloodstream infections:
Pathogens from an infected lesion elsewhere in the body reach the seminal vesicles through the bloodstream. The presence of mucosal folds and twists in the seminal vesicles promotes the deposition of secretions, leading to inadequate drainage. If the inflammation during the acute phase remains uncontrolled, acute seminal vesiculitis can progress to the chronic stage.

Seminal vesiculitis can cause pain, including local perineal swelling pain and ejaculatory pain in patients with acute seminal vesiculitis. Chronic seminal vesiculitis can lead to dull pain and burning during urination, along with pain in the perineum. The pain intensifies during ejaculation.

Hemospermia, characterized by the presence of blood in ejaculated discharge, is another symptom of seminal vesiculitis. Semen may appear pink or red, and blood clots may be present.

In severe cases, seminal vesiculitis can result in male infertility. Therefore, it is crucial to seek treatment for this condition. Antibiotics and anti-infection therapy are the primary treatments for seminal vesiculitis. Acute seminal vesiculitis typically requires symptomatic treatment using cephalosporin antibiotics. For chronic seminal vesiculitis, medications with good lipid solubilities like macrolides and quinolones are often chosen for therapy.

Furthermore, the traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has shown promising effects in treating chronic seminal vesiculitis. It promotes inflammation absorption, alleviates various discomfort symptoms, and achieves complete cure.

Seminal vesiculitis patients can support their recovery through diet with the following recommendations:

1. Tendon and Sargentgloryvine Stem Soup: Cook pig tendon, caulis spatholobi, and red dates together. This soup helps promote blood circulation, disperse blood stasis, and aid in recovery.

2. Pig Kidney with Black Soya Beans: Boil pig kidneys with black soya beans. Eating pig kidneys and chewing black soya beans strengthens the Yang, nourishes the kidney, and effectively treats hematospermia.

3. Crucian Carp Soup: Prepare crucian carp with onion, ginger, and fennel seed. This soup clears heat and dampness, promoting overall health restoration.

4. Radish Soup: Stew fresh radish slices with ginseng and astragalus. Alternatively, cook radish soup and add pulverized ginseng and astragalus. This invigorates the spleen and qi, tonifies the kidney and essence, and promotes rehabilitation.

By incorporating these dietary suggestions, seminal vesiculitis patients can enhance their recovery process.

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