When dating Chinese women there are some kinds of Chinese dating etiquette you should probably be aware of and follow. You don't want to make one embarrassing mistake that will make her think twice about dating you again. I've found since my time living in China the rules of dating etiquette are much more important than they are with western women in western countries. In general, whenever I date a Chinese woman, which is mostly the case in the past eight years, I will always follow the following tips.

Politeness is important in every culture, and this is even more the case in Chinese culture. Now, this one is actually harder to quantify than you might at first imagine. This is due to Chinese culture being very different from western culture, or in fact, any other culture I have come across. It is sometimes the case that what a westerner believes to be polite is sometimes completely the opposite of being polite in Chinese culture. One example would be in the giving of gifts, in Chinese culture it's actually rude to open a gift in front of the giver!

So let's take a look at a few winning tips when using Chinese Dating Rules that'll help make her attracted to you and also feel you are the kind of guy that can fit her:

1. Greetings. Whereas in western culture we will steer clear of making any reference to good-looks when we first meet someone of the opposite sex, within Chinese culture this is perfectly normal. It is actually expected. A western female you first meet may role her eyes and then make sure to avoid us after we comment on her beauty, but a Chinese woman won't. Commenting on someones looks (positive comments) is actually normal within the culture. Chinese women may even say some form of compliment about your looks when first meeting you. It's not a 'come-on' and neither do they take it as such either.

2. Eating. If you intend to take your date to eat, then amongst many eating etiquette points, this one should be something you pay attention to: 'ordering the food'. In western countries women are perfectly happy making their own choice when ordering food, in China however, most women expect the man to make this decision. Now, if she knows exactly what she wants, then fine, but you will find most of the time they will worry that what they choose may be wrong, or be something you don't like. Remember, in Chinese culture dishes are usually shared and no matter even if you are in a western restaurant, this will still be on her mind. If she seems hesitant when ordering then take the lead, it'll honestly take a weight off her shoulders.

3. Conversation. Most Chinese women expect the male to take the lead in a conversation. You should always be prepared to do this if she seems reluctant to initiate conversation topics. Many Chinese women will feel uncomfortable initiating conversation due to their fear of exposing too much about their character that might reflect badly on them; this is especially so when you are from a culture different to their own. Also....

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....find out more about Chinese Dating Etiquette before dating or considering marrying a Chinese woman and go to http://ChineseDatingSecrets.com/.

Finally, remember that Chinese culture is much more formal than western culture, this includes the area of dating. Getting to know the dating etiquette in Chinese culture is therefore 'a must' when you wish her to be attracted to you. It'll reflect on you much more than it would when dating a western woman.