Failure of IVF (in vitro fertilization) can be difficult for a couple looking to have a child. However, solutions exist to improve the chances of success of the next attempt.

How to cope with IVF Failure: The statistical hazard still exists?

Generally, three elements define the success of IVF: sperm, oocyte, and uterus. Before IVF, these elements are subjected to precise analysis. The sperm is then examined using the spermogram, the survival migration test, and the sperm culture. The uterus is tested by hysteroscopy and ultrasound while the quality of the oocyte depends on the patient's ovarian reserve as well as on her age.

Even if favorable conditions are met by these three elements, a statistical hazard still exists. It may explain that IVF does not always lead to success, even if everything indicates otherwise. To get pregnant, several attempts are sometimes necessary.

In the event of failure, the couple should take consultation in order to take advice from the doctor and understand the causes of this failure. An analysis of this attempt will modulate the stimulation and adapt it to the ovarian response during the next attempt. Various other solutions can also be considered depending on the situation.

How to cope with IVF Failure: What solutions to improve the chances of IVF success?

When the embryos are very fragmented, it is possible to envisage an early transfer from the day following the ovarian puncture. Conversely, a prolonged culture may be considered if there is doubt about the development of the embryo.

Freezing of embryos with a delayed transfer will be proposed as soon as the endometrium does not present sufficiently favorable reception conditions for the embryo. In addition, the ovulation stimulation protocol can also be modified. If follicular development is asynchronous, then a long protocol will be preferred over a short protocol.

Finally, the method of assisted reproductive technology can also be modified during a subsequent attempt. If a low rate of fertilization of the oocytes is detected (paucifecondation) or the penetration of several spermatozoa in the same oocyte (polyspermia), the doctor may choose to perform an ICSI instead of ICSI with IVF. It is an IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

How to cope with IVF Failure: Options after failed IVF?
Options after failed IVF include-
Many couples want to try again as soon as possible after a failure. The time of the consultation is, however, an essential stage for the couple and for the doctor. The future parents will be able to discuss with the therapist while the doctor, enlightened by the biologist's analysis, will be able to suggest modifications to improve the chances of succeeding in the next attempt.

On the other hand, carrying out a complete fertility check-up is justified after several unsuccessful IVF attempts. It increases the reliability of the analyzes and will identify the causes of failure that remain unknown. The chances of a successful IVF attempt can then be improved.

How to cope with IVF Failure & what to do if first IVF cycle is unsuccessful?

It is possible to change the center in the event of repeated failure. A re-examination of all stages of failed IVF attempts is an important step in increasing the chances of success for future attempts. In this logic, it can be interesting to change the center by bringing a fresh look to the couple's file. Innovative solutions can also be found.

And in this case, it is important that the couple provide as much information as possible to the new medical team, in particular on previous attempts. Thus, biologists from the new team can re-examine the stages of IVF attempts that did not lead to the start of a pregnancy.

How to cope with IVF Failure: Why didn't it work?

It is worth remembering that biologists have no certain way of determining whether an embryo is capable of achieving pregnancy or not. They can only define criteria that allow them to have an idea of their probability of establishing themselves (based on morphological scores). With regard to these criteria, it is possible for them to say whether an embryo has a good chance of giving birth or not.

When there is no pregnancy after a transfer, it means that the embryos placed in the uterus have not implanted. The implantation is a phenomenon which occurs normally on the 6th day after the oocyte retrieval or the 4th day after the transfer.

At this stage, the embryos are only 1/10th of a millimeter. In most cases, embryos that do not implant are already no longer alive on this date. They are eliminated spontaneously in the days following the transfer, and as they are microscopic cells, it is impossible to realize their elimination. This phenomenon has nothing to do with a miscarriage.

How to cope with IVF Failure, how to react & what to do if first IVF cycle is unsuccessful?

If the test result is negative, do not despair.
Do not try to look good: accept the fact that you are collapsed.

Many patients experience this failed attempt as a mini miscarriage, accompanied by the same feelings of loss and grief. Take the time to mourn your shattered dream of having a child this month. Take days off if necessary and don't force yourself to be sociable. Even if you don't believe it will get better in a few weeks, it is OK.

Even if you are at the bottom of the wave at this moment, the experience you have just had was by no means a waste of time. Your fertility center has learned a lot about you and your physiology that will allow them to make adjustments for the next cycle if there is one.

If you want to try again deeply, make an appointment with your gynecologist and discuss the things learned and what will need to be changed. Many women get pregnant in a later attempt after three months of rest and recovery, both physically and mentally. However, if you think you have reached the end of the journey and are unable to start again, discuss other options with your doctor while remaining open. You could indeed change your mind.

Try again!

The above mentioned detailed description is the best answer to the question - first IVF failed when to try again? To know more about IVF and other fertility treatments, visit the best clinic for IVF in India.

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To know more about IVF and other fertility treatments, visit the best clinic for IVF in India.