Today I thought I would help you guys out when it comes to not only picking good products, but also picking the right websites when it comes to these products. Now a lot of you are just getting into this business so you most probably do not have any HTML programming skills, or know anybody who actually does. That is okay. It is one of the great things about affiliate marketing products, and their marketplaces. They give you all the promotional tools, and websites to help you promote their product.

However, just because they give you a free product website to use does not mean it is the right website to promote. When choosing what affiliate products to promote, I have told you in the past which areas are the hottest right now. Make money at home, weight loss and reverse phone look up niches. Now once you have picked a product, take a look at the website they have created, and see if it is top notch or something that a four year old created in his bedroom. An example of a website that you would like to completely avoid promoting is something like this. A site that is very small, no videos, charges way too much for a simple report, no testimonials from real people. No bonuses. No free trials of anything either. You will not do very well with a site like this. Avoid them like the plague!

Now an example of a site you would like to promote, and make a decent living at, or at least have a better chance of it, would be a site that just looks professional. Good testimonials from people that can actually be contacted. Videos, are always a big plus. It helps if they offer a good buying incentive as well, two or three bonuses never hurt, but the ultimate is do they offer a free two week trial of whatever it is, or a buy one get one free. People love free, always remember that. So if you are promoting skin care cream, find a site that give like a free two week trial of the product. Do not worry you will get your sale. These are the basics when it comes to promoting affiliate products.

Also do not forget to go to Google’s keyword tool, and type in the various products in the niches I mentioned before to see if people are actually looking for them, if there is even a market for them. Remember if there is not market then you will not make any money. If you can try to find sites that charge a monthly fee, sometimes those can pay off handsomely because each month you will get a slice of that pie. Plus look for sites that have the exit splash software which will send the potential customer to an up sale or a down sale. That way you double you chances of making for money. Put all of these things down on a check list, when you find a sites that meets all of these criteria you have got a winner, so start promoting affiliate productstoday!

Author's Bio: 

I'm Trevor Poulson expert author and internet marketer, click here for more great tips and hints to affiliate marketing!