How to be healthy for good - Do one thing different!

Over the duration of our lives, in our journey to be healthy for good, we time and again become stuck in situations - in our work, in our marriage, in our special relationships. We tend to do the same things again and again in exactly the same way and wonder why nothing is different. Our habits are often so deeply ingrained that we don't even perceive our repeated patterns until something bad happens. All of a sudden, we get a wake up call that says, "Something has to change!"

Be healthy for good - Is therapy the answer?

Often people go through years in therapy looking for the answers to WHY they are the way they are. Did they have a terrible childhood, abusive parents or grow up in abject poverty? And possibly they did. Don't get me wrong, there are an abundance of benefits to therapy. But oftentimes, therapy gives you an explanation instead of a solution - and you occasionally wind up with "victim" mentality, blaming others for the way you are.

Yet, we all know people who survive extraordinary challenges and now lead joyful, prosperous lives. Quiet and self-conscious people become celebrities. Underprivileged people become prosperous entrepreneurs. These people haven't allowed their past or someone elses theories of what is "wrong" with them to determine their future. They have looked carefully at their obstacle and found a solution - instead of an excuse not to move ahead.

Be healthy for good - So how do you make a correction?

To begin with, you should do a little groundwork. Take a look at your problem and investigate it as much as you can. When does this situation occur? What happens to you? How do you feel when you are in this circumstance? What time of day is it? Who are you with?

Then try something out of the ordinary. Just change one thing and see what happens. Maybe you argue with your husband every night when he gets home from the office. Night after night the pattern repeats itself as soon as he enters the front door. What could you change that would diffuse the situation? Could you wait until he goes to the bedroom and changes his clothes before you start a conversation with him? Try giving him a little space before asking him about his day. It may appear simple, but just changing the pattern can make all the difference. And when you find things are beginning to go more of that!

Be healthy for good - My difficulty - I wasn't sleeping at night!

I was having a problem with sleeping through the night. I'd go to bed at night and fall immediately into a deep sleep. But around 2:00 a.m. every night, I would wake up. I would toss and turn. I would flip my pillow over (the other side of the pillow is a great deal cooler!). I'd get up and go to the bathroom. And then I would begin to worry. I'd worry about finances, about my kids, about my relationship. My mind would whirl and spin. By the time 7:00 a.m. arrived, it was time to get up and I was beat. I was exhausted all day long and by time for bed, it would commence all over again. Things HAD to change.

One night, I decided to try something different. First, I told myself that my body wanted to sleep. I advised myself that healing happens at night when the body is sleeping. And then, I began with my feet and ankles and told them to relax. I moved along to my calves, my knees, my thighs and on up my body relaxing each area as I came to it. By the time I reached my head, I drifted off to sleep. And I slept straight through the night!

Now, every night before I close my eyes to sleep, I reproduce that pattern. It only takes a couple of minutes, but it has altered my life. I wake up bright-eyed and ready to take on the new day!

Be healthy for good - Is it worth a try?

Now I understand that this sounds like a very easy solution to what, for you, may be a very involved problem. But it is a jump-off point. And you need to start somewhere. Think things over and look for a way to adjust the pattern. You can even make the change funny or foolish. Whatever creates a shift in the way you are seeing the world can begin to create the solution you are wishing for. Remember what Albert Einstein said:

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Change your pattern - change your results. Just try doing one thing differently!

Author's Bio: 

Nancee Kemper is an Isagenix Independent Associate and Business Coach. Nancee left her job in the legal industry in order to pursue her passion for helping others to achieve their health and financial goals. For more information, please visit her at How to be healthy for good - Do just one thing differently