General Knowledge is very important as an integral part of our lives. It can be gained from sources like general knowledge questions and answers books available in the market as well as in libraries. GK quiz can also increase the knowledge treasure of our minds. It is very important for the students for their schools exams. Some schools and boards keep GK as a major subject in their syllabus. This helps to make the students successful in their later lives in various competitive exams. Today every competitive exam keeps GK as an important part of their question papers. The exams may be MBA entrance exams as well as service exams in private and government sectors.

General knowledge has immense importance in various competitive exams like MBA entrance exams and various service exams in private as well as public sectors. Most companies in the public sector give much importance to GK of their question papers. GK quiz held in schools and colleges are useful for increasing knowledge of students. Candidates can prepare for their competitive exams of service as well entrance from general knowledge questions and answers books available in libraries as well as book stalls. These books are very useful for preparation of numerous competitive exams. Since these books contain detailed description about the latest and most important happenings in political, economic, social, sports and entertainment fields all over the world. GK thus is immensely helpful in student lives, to make them successful in later lives.

GK quiz is conducted in many localities. These quiz contests helps to increase the knowledge banks of masses. general knowledge of the common people is thus, increased to a large extent. General questions and answers papers are very useful to prepare for these quiz contests. These books contain detailed description of the latest happenings in social, cultural, economic, sports and entertainment all over the world. GK helps us to socialize more with people. While in family and friend gatherings, discussing about particular matter, every member of the gathering must have a minimum level of current affair knowledge. Knowledge banks are available in plenty in various bookstalls in the market as well as libraries. Other than these books, daily news papers are bulletins are also good sources of knowledge. Weekly and monthly magazines are also good sources of current affair knowledge all over the world. Television and radios are also good sources of knowledge about latest and most important happenings all over the world.

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