If you suspect that your piano needs major repairs, have a complete evaluation done by a qualified piano technician who specializes in rebuilding. Discuss costs versus benefits of various repair options, and whether the completed piano would meet your performance requirements. Most rebuilders will provide you with a written proposal. Expect to pay a modest fee for this service. New York Piano Works charges a service call fee for this service, but if you decide to proceed, that fee will be applied to the cost of the work performed.

You may want to visit our shop to inspect other work in progress or ask for a reference list of past clients. Checking out similar jobs will give you a sense of how your instrument could be improved, as well as a feeling for our workmanship.

When you decide to proceed with major work, be sure to ask for a written contract. This enables you to know exactly what will get done to your piano and the associated costs, estimated completion date, payment method, and guarantee policy.

Get detail info: https://www.newyorkpianoworks.com/

Important Link: https://www.newyorkpianoworks.com/contact

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Welcome to NY Piano Works! Here to serve you and your piano. Book an Appointment Today. Expert Tuning and Repair.