The lament of us all, how do I get more people to come to my site, and buy everything I’m selling. It’s almost like it’s some unattainable wish, right? Well, its not impossible. It just requires some knowledge on your end, and special tactics that will bring you the traffic you need. Now let me back up a step, you don’t just want more traffic, you want more “qualified” traffic. Your probably asking now what does “qualified” mean? Well that the traffic that’s actually interested in what your pitching. Not the hundreds, or thousand, of people who just happened to wonder on to your site.
We are looking for that small group of people who are looking for exactly what you have, and believe me they are out there, everyday by the thousands. All you have to do is make it easy for them to find you. Well fortunately, there are several methods you can employ to get them right to your site. They actually encompass everything I try to teach on this site. You do not have to do them all at once, but of course the more you do, the more traffic you will have. Lets taker a look at a few.
Article Writing: write specific articles with keywords that people will be typing in when looking for what ever it is you have to sell. If you are selling Mustangs, don’t write a article about selling various forms of transportation, that too general, write articles saying, I’ve got a 1966 Fast Back Mustang for Sale.” So then only people looking for that specific product will read your article, and then go to your site, hopefully to make an offer.
Video Marketing: Now this is probably the best way you can market yourself, product, or service. No longer do you need to be a faceless nameless website, you’re a live person that people can see, and it goes a long way towards people wanting to buy from you. Videos can be filled again with the specific keywords I talked about earlier, thus drawing only those people you are looking for when getting more website traffic
Backlinking: This is of course building a connection with your site to thousands of other sites across the globe, making it so much easier for people to find your site. Again when creating backlinks, make sure your description is specifically keywords driven. So when somebody lands on a car site, they see a description about that 1966 Mustang on your site, and they will not hesitate to go check you out, especially if that’s what they were looking for.
There are virtually dozens of other ways to get traffic of course, each with its own set of rules, and reasons for doing it. However, they all must employ one important factor, those keywords. Look guys be specific, don’t think that, well if I do that I’ll be limiting myself, no you won’t. You will be sending a shout out to the only people you want to deal with, the people actually looking to buy that 1966 Mustang, and not wasting time. The are some of the best methods for getting more website traffic
Hello, my name is Trevor Poulso. Ive been a successful business owner and internet marketer for 5 years now. Click on getting more website traffic for more fantastic insider info!
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