An Excerpt from the Book Wings to Fly: Your Daily Lift Off to Soar to Greater Heights

There are three possible types of direction exerted on you at any one time.

In “Wings To Fly” your daily lift off to soar to greater heights I discuss the three types of influence that can determine your direction in business and life.

Let’s take them one at a time.

The first way you can be directed is by others- other directed. Essentially you are directed by other people.

The second way you be directed is to be outer directed. You are directed by outside circumstances or things. For example, an unexpected medical emergency or events either scheduled or spontaneous.

The third way you can be directed is to be inner directed. This is where you are making the choices.

All of these can be influencing you at the same time as you go throughout your day. And, none of them by themselves is bad.

Other directed and Outer directed you really have no control over. You experience them. Yet how you experience them is determined by your Inner direction.

Being Inner Directed, in spite of circumstances, people and things is critical to your well-being and success. If you lose your sense of inner directedness from the influence of other people and outside circumstances you can feel like things are spinning out of control. Learn the art of being “inner directed.” You will have a greater sense of harmony and serenity.

Here’s another benefit to inner directedness. You will feel empowered. When you feel empowered you are primed to become more, accomplish more and be in position to take advantage of more of the opportunities life has to offer.

In “Wings To Fly” you will find daily insights that put your focus on being more inner directed. Some topics to support you on your journey to greater inner directedness are luck, to attitude, to relationships, to attitude, to confidence, to self-esteem, to productivity and making better decisions, to name a few, in creating your own path to take your life to a higher level.

Act now and purchase your copy of Wings To Fly to begin your daily lift off to soar to greater heights and a better you!Become more inner directed!

Author's Bio: 

Steve Scott is a personal business coach, author and speaker.An entrepreneur for most of his career, his experience includes ,retail, service, manufacturing and international. He brings a diverse background and experience to his clients which run the spectrum from individuals to small business to large corporations.

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