NBC’s thrilling action-adventure series ‘Timeless’ has received good critics since the show’s premiere, thanks to its unique approach to time travel. The sci-fi travel drama series that debuted on October 2016 follows the life of a mysterious criminal Flynn (Goran Visnjic), who steals a state-of-the-art time machine that he uses to alter past events and eventually destroy the country.
The mastermind criminal is joined by an unexpected team made of a scientist, a soldier, and a history professor, chosen to stop him from his intentions on destroying America as we know it by changing its past. In order to stop the villain, the trio uses a prototype machine to travel through time to critical events, and help keep history from getting changed by undoing the damage made by Flynn.

The show is created by Eric Kripke and Shawn Ryan and stars Abigail Spencer (Lucy), Matt Lanter (Wyatt), Malcolm Barrett (Rufus) and Goran Visnjic (Flynn). Each week, ‘Timeless’ takes the audience to a completely different place and time. The science fiction adventure series about three strangers that team up to go back in time addresses whether it's smart to change history.
From Hindenburg to Alamo all the way to the Watergate affair, most of the show’s action isn’t played out in the present day. Instead, the heart and core of the show is exploring a variety of famous historical settings. Throughout season one, ‘Timeless’ fans enjoyed the tense play between the brilliant criminal Flynn (Goran Visnjic) and the unusual team that tries to stop him from destroying the world. In the season finale, Flynn finally discovered that his partner Emma was working for the Rittenhouse.

This past spring, the time-travel show made history when it was canceled and brought back three days later thanks to its fans. I spoke to Goran personally, and he said that he had hope, despite decision made by the network and this is why he is successful in the first place. Once they fiercely made their collective voice known in social media, the network reversed its decision and ordered a 10-episode second season for the 2017-2018 season. The second season will be doubling the untold history similar to the stories of season one, going further into race, gender, and other ignored players in history. In season two, ‘Timeless’ will join three other TV series (‘Lucifer,’ ‘Legion’ and ‘Mistresses’) to relocate from Canada to California under the commission’s Program 2.0. The series has been conditionally approved to receive a $9.9 million production tax credit from the state.

Author's Bio: 

Jenny Laven (born July 15th, 1985 ) is an American journalist and blogger. For many years, was one of the most active journalists from Philadelphia, while pursuing justice for the American people and the American way.