Proxy means giving someone else permission to act on your behalf. When you join a proxy group you give me as the practitioner permission to do the session for you, on your behalf. Each month you will be included in a group repatterning by proxy where you are energetically connected to like-minded people who share your issues.

Some healing can only happen in groups and when you join a proxy group you are joining with people who share your issues and aspirations. You probably have some kind of ancestral connection with the other group members. This means that you and all of the members will join together to shift long-standing patterns that you may not otherwise have an opportunity to address.

The proxy groups get formed on the soul level before they ever happen in person. Each person is drawn to the group because they have something to offer and there is something that they can only get from being in the group.

This explains why people who have never heard of me, Resonance Repatterning® or proxy groups know intuitively that they need to register for the sessions. They know instinctively that the proxy groups will help them feel more empowered, productive, creative and successful.

During the course of the group, your energy field aligns with coherent frequency patterns. This empowers you to release what you don't want from your life and embrace and welcome what you do. As you do this for yourself, you shift the energetic patterns in the collective consciousness and you radiate and express a higher vibration in a way that positively influences others and your world changes along with you.

That's right! Once you change your patterns this shift positively affects the people around you.

In a pilot research study, "client response to Resonance Repatterning® sessions was significantly favorable, with 95% reporting that they had felt distressed prior to their session, and "better to a lot better" after their session." Bennett, Joel B. PhD (Principal Investigator) Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems

You will experience the proxy group series in your own unique way. Like our research subjects, you may notice that you feel more hopeful or empowered about the way your life is going. You may notice that some of your "challenging" relationships are going more smoothly. You may find that it's easier for you to think positively about certain things, whereas in the past it was hard not to dwell on the negative. You may notice that people are starting to treat you differently, in a positive way. You may notice that things that used to "push your buttons" just don't have that charge any more.

One woman described feeling more buoyant, like she somehow had floated above her problems. Even though the "problematic" situation was still there she was no longer enmeshed in it and didn't see it as a problem anymore.

If you are looking for a process that is convenient, affordable, efficient and most importantly, effective, then try a proxy group.

Author's Bio: 

Elizabeth Tobin, JD; Certified Resonance Repatterning® Practitioner, calls herself a multi-dimensional cosmic closet cleaner. Internationally respected as a caring and gifted healer, her clients experience successful outcomes with physical conditions, trauma, abuse, weight loss, increasing abundance and overall health & well-being. Download a Free audio on how Money Archetypes are affecting your level of abundance at