About 13 pct of heart stroke happen when a blood vessel dislocation in or nearby the brain. This is named a hemorrhagic stroke or Bleeds.

When a hemorrhagic stroke takes place, blood collects in the brain tissues. This is harmful for the brain structure causing the microscopic cells in that region to weaken and die.

Are all hemorrhagic strokes the same?

There are 2 sorts of hemorrhagic stroke. Both in, a blood vessel dispersion, disrupting blood flow to element of the brain.

Intracerebral hemorrhages :
· Come up when a blood vessel bleeds or dislocation into the tissues deep within the brain.
· Are frequently caused by chronically high blood strain or getting older blood vessels.
· Are oftentimes created by an arteriovenous malformation (AVM). An AVM is a area of abnormally formed blood vessels. Any of these vessels can dislocation, also causing bleeding in to the brain.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage:

· Come up when an aneurysm on or near the area of the brain dispersion and bleeds in to the area between the brain and the skull.
· Are sometimes caused by high blood pressure.
· Furthermore to high blood pressure, issues that gain the risk of hemorrhagic strokes include:
o cigarette smoking
o use of oral contraceptive pills
o a lot of alcohol take in
o use of illegal drugs
How are hemorrhagic strokes determined?

When anyone has shown signs of a stroke or a TIA (transient ischemic attack), a doctor will gather information and make a examination. He or she will evaluation the events that have happened and will:
· get a medical history
· do a physical and neurological test
· have certain laboratory (blood) tests done
· get a CT or MRI scan
· study the results of different diagnostic tests that might be needed
The facts exams examine how the brain looks, works and gets its blood source. They can outline the hurt brain area. The facts exams fall into three categorizations.

· Images tests give a image of the brain similar to X-rays.
· Electric tests track record the electrical impulses of the brain.
· Blood flow exams show any problem that may cause changes in blood flow to the brain.

How are hemorrhagic strokes remedy?
Because hemorrhages may be deadly, hospital care is necessary. Drugs is used to control high blood pressure. Other drug may be given to minimize the brain swelling that follows a stroke.

Surgical procedure may be needed based upon on the cause of the hemorrhage. Surgery is often recommended to either area a metal clip at the bottom part of an aneurysm or to remove the unusual vessels that make up an AVM.

Some treatments are less invasive and make use of a catheter that goes in through a main artery in the leg or arm. The catheter is taken to the aneurysm or AVM where it places a device, just like a coils, to reduce dislocation.

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Please visit warning signs of a stroke for more signs of stroke and hemorrhagic stroke articles.