Helpful Habits; approaching the way in which you live and creating healthy practices to assist you throughout your time is an essential element to traveling down a road filled with success and well-being. It takes dedication, awareness and follow-through on a daily basis to work toward your goals.

Below you will find ten patterns that foster a healthy, lighter way of life. Why not see how many you involve yourself in on a regular basis.

~Eating breakfast: It has been proven time and time again that those Lovely Ladies who indulge in an early morning meal are more successful at staying on track throughout their day.
~Packing for the road: When a Lovely Lady is prepared, a Lovely Lady is successful. When you are tooling around town, taking a trip or sightseeing in the car, the better prepared you are with healthy choices to snack on, the better able you will be at staying true to your goals.
~Morning exercise: Making it a priority in the a.m. hours to move your body fosters feelings of strength, happiness and wellness during your waking hours.
~Dress for success: What you wear dictates how you feel, therefore, dress to impress yourself.
~Grocery goodness: Do the best you can to never enter the grocery store when your tummy is rumbling. Shopping when hungry sets you up for impulsive buys and over indulgence.
~Regular eating: Skipping meals equates into low energy and over eating when you do decide to enjoy some fare. Be sure to eat small meals every few hours to keep your tummy satisfied.
~Journaling: Documenting your actions links what you have been doing with your results and allows for reflection during and after the process. It keeps you accountable.
~Forgive you: Being kind to yourself as you are to others is an integral component of living a healthy life. When you have a difficult time, be sure to cut yourself some slack.
~Pampering: Make it a point to allocate time in your busy schedule to steal moments to cater to your needs. Have a manicure, read a book, take a nap or just plain do nothing.
~Be patient: Expecting too much too soon leads to disappointment and heartache. Seek fortitude.

It’s up to you and only you to create the life you adore. Take action and make it happen.

Author's Bio: 

I simply adore coaching women!