After the heart surgery, the patient is kept in the hospital for a few days and after a certain rate of recovery is confirmed in the patient’s health, he or she is discharged from the hospital. But the shift to home is aided with a detailed plan of recovery which included medications, dietary changes, and lifestyle changes. The patient needs to follow them for the best outcomes.

Consider help

The patient needs proper care one they are done with heart surgery to recover quickly. You will be stopped from doing many routine activities which could interfere with the scheme of the rehabilitation program. Small tasks may even need help. It is best advised to keep a family member or friend with you for at the least ten to fifteen days after the surgery. If your friends or family is not able to make up, seek professional medical help.

Incision site

Usually, the laparoscopic and minimally invasive heart surgery is performed by making an incision in the leg. If so, is the case of you, you should let the site heal properly. Do not hang your legs until recovery has been made completely and if swelling is persistent, wearing elastic TED hose can be quite helpful.


Medications form an important part of the rehabilitation program. The use of medications should be as recommended by the concerned doctors. In case if you are unable to intake the medications talk to your doctor about. Heart medications should be taken as only directed by the doctors, stopping any dosage can cause health impact if not confirmed from the concerned doctors.

Physical activity

It is very clear advice to not pressurize the heart through any such physical chores until and unless the wound has healed, and the recovery has been made. In terms of movements of the hands, every other movement except the brushing of teeth should be kept away from. Pulling your arms backward or any intense movements regarding the same can lead to complications. Any activity that makes you experience a thrust on the breastbone should not be done.

Pulse rate

After heart surgery, the patient can develop irregular heartbeat which may result in severe complications. The best way to keep a check on the pulse rate is to learn how to do it yourself. It is not much of a complex process at all. By keeping your pulse rate on the check, you will be able to keep a track on your health and also be able to contact medical services if any abnormal changes in the pulse rate are measured.

Recognizing the side-effects and complications

Heart surgery is a complicated procedure, it needs precision-based effective techniques for minimizing the risks of side-effects and complications. Even though the associated risks lost-operation is minimum in the scientifically advanced techniques such as minimally invasive heart surgery when compared to its traditional forms. Nevertheless, the patient is at risk of experiencing side-effects and complications. In case if you experience any one of the below-mentioned symptoms, contact your cardiologist and avail emergency services if required.

• Abnormal pulse rate
• Chest pain
• Chills or a fever
• Consistent coughing
• Coughing up blood or mucus (yellow or green color)
• Fainting
• Fatigue
• Headaches
• Issues with heart medications
• Redness around the wound
• Shortness of breath
• Swelling of the wound area
• Unexplained weight gain
• Weakness
• Wound drainage

Wound care

Make sure that your wound is not exposed to any contaminants to unhygienic environments. Clean it regularly with just soap and water. Use of any type of cream or any other medium is strictly not recommended. Also, do not leave the wound wet, it may contaminate. Instead, after its cleaning, dry it, and do not rush the procedure. Swimming and any such activity which would soak the wound is to stay away from till the time of recovery.

Author's Bio: 

The top heart doctors in Gurgaon have been working along the lines of a complete healthcare program when it comes to cardiovascular surgeries. This approach helps in ensuring the best outcomes for the patient’s health. In this regard, the self-care at home is explained to the patient and their allies to make sure that the patient needs healthy recovery on time and the risk of complications is dealt away with. Even the scientifically advanced techniques of such as robotic mitral valve replacement, composite graft surgery, and coronary bypass graft marker are offered with a similar approach to provide quick recovery to the patients. The experts of cardiac valvuloplasty in India focus on three important things in the self-care at home, namely, dietary changes, physical activities, and wound care.