The body is like a movie projector! The film running through the projector is the current health state of the feelings and thoughts at that specific moment! Everything one sees on the screen has been projected from within! It is our responsibility (as movie editor) to take charge on what is projected! One of the ways in which one can take charge is to implement a healthy lifestyle!

Health is not merely the absence of disease and “dis-ease”, it is a condition of emotional and physical well-being. It is a condition where all the body systems function optimally. “Dis-ease” is a negative condition of not being at ease! The body tries to communicate to us through these signs (what one can see) and symptoms (what one experiences). These alarms that the body is sending should not be ignored. The time is here to take responsibility for one’s own health! Here are a few lifestyle tips that can be implemented.Visit to read more about dis-ease and the way the body is communicating yo us.

Sleep is characterized by reduced consciousness and increased anabolic (restoring / building up) activity. The optimum amount of sleep should be seen in relation to the individual’s circadian rhythms. Human sleep needs can vary by age and from person to person. Research has revealed that lack of sleep can increase the risk to certain chronic diseases. The following steps can be implemented to restore a proper sleep routine.

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland which is located in the mid brain. The production of melatonin is regulated by the SCN (supra-chiasmatic nucleus). The SCN will delay the production of melatonin until darkness arrives and the release of melatonin is associated with sleep onset.

Valerian is a well-known herb in the treatment of anxiety and as a sleep aid. It is most effective when taken shortly before bedtime. Valerian does not interfere with sleep cycles or with REM (restful) sleep.

Bedtime routine: It is important to use the bed for sleep and sex and not as a work station! Keep the room dark to enhance the production of melatonin. It is also advisable to ensure adequate ventilation.

We live in stressful times and are constantly exposed to barely-tolerable pressures and stressors. Stress brings unhappiness and diseases! Keep a sense of humor! Laughter is most contagious, binds people together and increase happiness!Schedule time to relax! Relaxation can take various forms.

Exercise and physical activity form the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. It is important for maintaining physical fitness and can contribute to healthy weight, muscle strength, physical well-being and a robust immune system. Exercise as part of the lifestyle can take different forms from brisk walking to gardening! To reap the full benefit, one should “exercise” three to five times a week for at least 30minutes per interval. The main goal is to enjoy the activity and to have fun!

Smoking has negative effects on the body and well-being! Kick the habit to preserve your health! There are different aids available to assist one kicking the habit!

We are what we eat! The following guidelines can assist in change over to a healthy lifestyle
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped. Try eating three meals a day at fairly regular intervals.
Read labels and know the ingredients of all products. Make wise decisions! Look for products that contain the least amount of processed ingredients.
Seek satisfaction in genuine flavours obtained from herbs rather than from fat, sugar, salt and chemical additives.
Avoid beige! Bring colour on your plate and try to combine at least 5 to different colours of food at each meal. Rainbow coloured fruits and vegetables will assist in achieving this. Be knowledgeable on the different types of fats. We get good fats and bad fats. Always try to grill and not to fry food.

Supplementation can make a difference but it should not take the place of a healthy eating plan!
Multivitamins and Minerals should be taken on a daily basis.

Fatty acids: Supplementation with omega-3 and omega-6 will provide the diet with EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and GLA (gamma linolenic acid). The omegas fuel the brain, but also encourage the body to store carbohydrates as glycogen (the form in which glucose are stored).

Achieve ideal and maintain body weight: If one is over the recommended average weight, follow a program that will see a steady (but not overdramatic) loss of weight. Take note that fasting and rapid weight loss can actually increase the occurrences of gout attacks and can be counter-productive.

Regular detoxifying will assist the body to eliminate toxins and impurities. It will revitalise the metabolism and improve vitality. There are different ways one can detoxify. It is important to consult a healthcare provider regarding the safety in specific medical conditions.

Hydration: Pure, fresh good quality water is not a luxury, it is an absolute necessity! The body needs to flush toxins from the system. This can only be done with at least two litres of fluid daily!

It is never too late to implement these changes toward vibrant health! Health is a currency and every small adjustment will ensure a return on investment!

Author's Bio: 

The author was born and bred on a Freestate farm in the district of Kroonstad, South Africa, qualified as a Pharmacist (1986) and obtained Mastersdegree (M.Sc) in 1988.

Gained valuable experience in the Retail pharmacy,Consulting and DUR Drug Utilization Review, Training and skills development and manufacturing.

I salute the following people that have influenced me - for better ...or for best!
Family: You have always been there to support me!
Friends: You have been there when I needed you most!
Full biography available on