Glaucoma refers to a group of eye defects that are responsible for damaging the optic nerve. If left untreated these can lead to permanent visual impairment hence timely detection and treatment is very important. A lot of people are not fully aware of the disease and owing to this they are not able to opt for a proper treatment procedure while there is still time. In this article, we have tried to answer some frequently asked questions regarding Glaucoma and how it can be treated.

How can Glaucoma be diagnosed?

Glaucoma can be treated with the help of a number of screenings and tests, the most common of which is Tonometry. The procedure helps to measure the pressure caused by ocular fluid in the eye. This is done with the help of a special instrument called tonometer which can be of various different types like applanation tonometer, air puff tonometer etc. Another common procedure is pupil dilation which is carried out with the help of special drops which help to enlarge the pupil temporarily. Doctors may also recommend visual field test or visual acuity test.

How would I know that I am suffering from Glaucoma?

There are a number of symptoms that clearly indicate that a person is suffering from Glaucoma. These include blurred and distorted vision, partial or complete loss of vision, pain and discomfort in the eyes. Sometimes the painful sensation can also trigger nausea and abdominal pain. The patient also experiences sudden visual distortion and headache.

What are the different types of glaucoma?

The various different types of glaucoma are mentioned below:

•Primary open-angle glaucoma - the problem affects a person's peripheral vision and the symptoms are very hard to determine. It is the most common type of glaucoma and can result in complete visual impairment.

•Acute angle-closure glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma - the problem is very serious and leads to sudden and painful symptoms. The patient may experience chronic headaches often accompanied by red eyes, nausea and vomiting often leading to medical emergency.

•Normal-tension glaucoma - it is a type of open-angle glaucoma in which the intraocular pressure remains unchanged. The symptoms are not evident in the initial stages.

•Pigmentary glaucoma - the problem is very rare and leads to blockage in the drainage angle of the eye. This often results in inflammation and redness accompanied by pain and blurred vision. The problem mostly affects males lying in the age group of 30 to 40 years.

•Secondary glaucoma - it is caused by a severe eye injury or due to other problems like infections and tumours.

•Congenital glaucoma - glaucoma that is present since birth is referred to as congenital glaucoma. It is quite difficult to detect the symptoms unless the child has reached 1 year or more. The reason behind this is that infants are not able to convey their pain and or discomfort.

What are the best treatment options for a patient suffering from glaucoma?

The treatment for glaucoma can be invasive as well as non-invasive majorly depending upon the severity of the problem. Actors usually proceed with the non-invasive treatment options that include the use of eye drops. If these fail to work, minimally invasive treatments like laser surgery or traditional open eye surgery can be recommended. It must be noted that the medication prescribed for glaucoma may not suit every patient and hence it is better to consult a specialist before taking them or in case you experience any discomfort after using them.

How would I know if I am at risk of developing glaucoma?

There are a number of factors that increase your chances of developing glaucoma. Although the problem can affect both adults as well as children, it is quite common in people who have crossed 40 years of age. The problem can also be genetic which means that if your parents or grandparents have glaucoma you are at risk of developing the problem. The chances of developing glaucoma also increase if you are suffering from myopia or hypermetropia or have high intraocular pressure. The problem is very common in people having African, Hispanic or Asian background. Apart from these factors, there are certain health conditions that can increase your vulnerability to develop glaucoma, these include diabetes, hypertension and migraine.

Author's Bio: 

Glaucoma eye treatment in India is offered at all the leading eye hospitals making it easier for the patients to avail for the treatment. Glaucoma Laser Surgery is one of the best options to treat the problem but it is better to consult a specialist before taking any decision. Glaucoma Surgery cost in India is comparatively cheaper than other countries and the services offered are at par with excellence.