There are times in our lives when the world seems to buck us off and knock the wind out of us. Things happen that blindside us and leave us gasping for breath. Even if we know a change is coming or a major transition must happen, it is easy to become overwhelmed and to feel defeated. Sometimes, we face situations that force us to re-evaluate everything we believe in and test our commitment to ourselves and our dreams. This is the proverbial “where the rubber hits the road” or “where the horseshoes hit the trail” – you know that place. It is a crossroads – the breaking point – where the goin’ gets tough and the tough get goin’. It is the place where the Mojo Bandits ambush your confidence and the Fear Fences seem way too high to jump over. It is that scary place that makes us shake in our boots and want to dive back under the covers to hide until it passes. But it doesn’t pass…it requires YOU to make a Decision – to Choose. This is it! Do I give up or press on?

Before you make that Decision or Choose – STOP!!

Don’t make a rash or emotional decision from a gunk-filled head. Before taking action or possibly creating irrevocable damage to your dreams, take a few minutes to breathe and figure out what is REALLY going on. Convene a meeting with yourself (or a Meeting of the Board - since you are a Life Entrepreneur) and ask these questions…

    Why do I think I want to give up?
    Is it because it is not what I really need to do with my life?
    Is there something else that I know I should be doing because my passion and soul keep telling me so?
    Is it time to make that change?
    Am I really just taking on too many projects and allowing the projects to take priority instead of my own work?
    Am I trying to be too much for too many people?
    Is the Superwoman Suit just a bit too tight and unrealistic?
    Or am I really afraid?
    Am I attempting to navigate unfamiliar trails for me?
    Am I feeling unsure and unconfident because I am less experienced with the new tasks at hand?
    Am I fearful of failing?

Be honest with yourself. Pay attention to what comes up. And focus on what is best for you – not what you should or think you should do for everyone else – just YOU. The course of Action to take – or Commencement – will depend on the answers that come to you.

Being honest and real with yourself is the first step in taking good care of yourself.

Taking good care of yourself is crucial for being able to take care of your dreams and/or anybody else! Remember, during your own board meeting, there are no wrong answers – just honest ones. So whatever the outcome of your meeting – there is support and accountability that can help you commit to whatever it is that you choose to do. You can choose to work totally alone and see how far that gets you, or you can engage your own Board of Directors or Success Posse – or Coach – and ride farther – faster. It’s like the old saying – Two heads are better than one! Or the whole is greater than the sum of the parts….you get the picture. Getting back up on your horse is easiest with Collaboration and Co-Creating – You don’t have to do it all alone! Remember, even the Lone Ranger had Tonto.

Author's Bio: 

Janus Moncur - The Co-Creative Coach™, is a Certified Professional Coach, CEO and Founder of Co-Creative Coaching, LLC, Creator/Owner of LovePetz, LLC and Author of "Rusty -n- Nikki: Doggie Lessons in Life and Love". She works with groups and individuals to overcome overwhelm, face fears and conquer challenges to navigate transitions and take charge of one’s personal and professional success. Learn more at Personal and Professional Success Coach , where you can sign up for our Free Report "Seven Surefire Tips for Successful Change: How to Break Bad Habits and Develop Good Habits to Take Control of Our Lives and Create Success".