Napoleon Hill was one of the most influential people in the area of personal success. Born into poverty in 1883 in Wise County, Virginia, he became a beloved motivational author, teacher, and lecturer. Hill dedicated more than 25 years of his life to define the reasons by which so many people fail to achieve true financial success and happiness in their lives. His book, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling personal development books of all time.

Get inspired and motivated today with 10 of the most popular Napoleon Hill quotes below.

1. "Think and grow rich."

2. "You give before you get."

3. "Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes."

4. "A goal is a dream with a deadline."

5. "War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense of his fellow man."

6. "Action is the real measure of intelligence."

7. "When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal."

8. "The ladder of success is never crowded at the top."

9. "Don't wait. The time will never be just right."

10. "Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit."

What is your favorite Napoleon Hill quote? Did you favorite not make this list? Be sure to share it in the comments!

To learn more, visit the Napoleon Hill Foundation's website here:

Here's to an inspired day and an inspired life!

Author's Bio: 

Hill began his writing career at age 13 as a mountain reporter for small town newspapers and later achieved great success as an author and journalist. His early career as a reporter helped Hill to finance his higher education. In this position, he was given an assignment to write a series of success stories of famous men and was asked to interview steel-magnate Andrew Carnegie.

Carnegie challenged Hill to interview over 500 millionaires to find a success formula that could be understood and used by the average person. Hill accepted the challenge and formulated a philosophy of success, drawing on the thoughts and experiences of a multitude of rags-to-riches tycoons. The book, Think and Grow Rich, took over 20 years to produce but has sold over 26 million copies internationally.

In recent years, the Napoleon Hill Foundation has published Hill’s best-selling writings. It is the Foundation’s goal to have new editions of all of Dr. Hill’s works in print by 2005. Dr. Hill established the Foundation as a nonprofit educational institution whose mission is to perpetuate his philosophy of leadership, self-motivation, and individual achievement worldwide. The Foundation’s mission includes both educational programs and correctional programs. Corporate seminars are conducted for groups as well. The Napoleon Hill Foundation is dedicated to making this world a better place in which to live.

The Napoleon Hill World Learning Center is the educational component of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Located just minutes from downtown Chicago in Hammond, Indiana, the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center provides educational opportunities for students of Napoleon Hill’s Philosophy of Success. Established with a $1 million grant from the Foundation, the Learning Center’s mission parallels the mission of the Foundation.

Visit the Napoleon Hill Foundation's website at