General knowledge is an integral part of civilized human life. Various sources of gaining this knowledge are general knowledge quiz and various year books, news papers and magazines. Current affairs knowledge is a major part of general awareness and knowledge. This, knowledge is essential for our lives, starting from lower education level to competitive exams for higher studies as well as various recruitment tests in government and private sector of India. Many schools and boards keep general awareness as a subject paper in the study course in the primary and secondary levels of exam. Regular news paper reading and news channel watching can also be beneficial for improving general awareness.

Utilities from general knowledge
General awareness starts at early school life in childhood, when a specific paper is kept on general awareness. Thus, children gain knowledge on general awareness and happenings throughout the nation at their early school lives. This knowledge helps them in their later lives, when they sit for various competitive exams for higher studies and recruitment exams too. Most of the MBA entrance exams and bank recruitment exams of private and government sectors of India give much emphasis to general awareness as a major part of their question paper. This, knowledge is also important to mix up with educated and knowledgeable people of the society.

Sources of general knowledge
Year books, monthly and weekly magazines, news paper bulletins and news channels on television are good sources of general awareness and recent affairs. The internet is also a very big source of recent happenings and affairs round the world. People who read news paper bulletins and watch news channels daily and regularly gain a lot of knowledge about the recent happenings in India as well as the whole. People of all ages and from all the classes of the society should read news papers and watch news channels regularly to increase their general awareness.

General Knowledge Quiz contests
In many localities, general knowledge quiz contests are conducted to increase the general knowledge of the common people of the locality. These quiz contests are mainly based on current affairs and about the various important and recent happenings in the nation as well as the whole world. There are various topics in this quiz such as political, social, economic, cultural, sports and entertainment. Such quiz contests are also conducted in various educational organizations like schools, colleges and universities, to improve the general awareness among students. These are always useful for their later lives and future.

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