Hitachi EC510 comes with six-gallon tank and oil free motor having a nice pancake style design. Basically, the function of an air compressor is to compresses air in the tank and to use the air to give life pneumatic nailers and staplers that are connected to it.
Pancake style air compressor like Hitachi EC510 is very small in size having very little footprint. Profiled with 18 inches height and 16 inches width, you can put it anywhere at small space. Weighing only 37 pounds, this small size air compressor is very easy to carry at your workplace. You can even ride on a ladder with ease when needed.
The oil free pump means no maintenance. You need not to check oil level periodically and no hassle of oil changing. Though oil-lubricated air compressors tend to last longer than an oil-free compressor, Oil-free compressor is highly favored by homeowners. Oil- filled air compressor are for professionals.
If you need an air compressor for regular and heavy use, oil-less air compressor is not recommended.
It has 1.1 running HPso it will draw very little amp resulting in no hassle of trip breakers. Big air compressors that come with 5 or more HP draw higher AMPs requiring a dedicated electric board. For this compressor, your regular home outlet can easily power this up.
When it comes to noise, Hitachi EC510 rocks producing only 81 decibels of noise making it silent enough for indoor use. Noisy air compressor is not favored by the users when their workplace is in a confined area. In that case, Hitachi EC510 will give you a quiet working environment.
The attached rubber feet beneath the tank minimizes vibration. As a result, the device tends to lasts longer. Apart from this, rubber feet will not put any scratch mark on your floor or other shiny surfaces.
Usage is very easy with this device. When attaching any air tools, simply push the plug on the end of your hose into the coupler and give a light tug to ensure a tight seal. Hitachi EC510 comes with two couplers; Two couplers mean you are able to operate up to two tools at one time.
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All the air compressors require one daily maintenance that is draining water from the air tank. Clever users always maintain this to ensure longevity of their machine. We always recommend this for the new users.
To let you know, when air is compressed moisture also goes into the tank and deposits under the tank. If you put the machine for month without draining, the tank starts to rust and becomes weak. In some cases, the tank blast when it is way too rusty from inside.
This machine’s sensitive parts are fully covered by plastic shroud to give it additional protection. You can run your job easily without much thinking about this unit.
In short,Hitachi EC510is a very small light weight 6-gallon air compressor meant for small to medium projects at home. It comes with 1-year limited warranty. If you want to know more about air compressor, please visit this website: Air Compressor Agency.
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