There are many different ways to follow your heart to your happiness and all the other wonderful things you intend to have in your life. The quickest way is being free to express the magnificent spirit of you without concern of the opinion or judgment of others.

Do not allow your ego to interfere with concerns about responsibilities or obligations to my job, my family and others? Relax for just a moment and give your head a rest, the way it happens is not your job to figure out. That part of the equation belongs to the Higher Universal Mind, also referred to as God, who can divinely orchestrate all the details to deliver your happiness and all else you desire.

Your real job and responsibility is to follow your heart while being present with your emotions so you may realize what makes you happy to begin with. You can get clear on what makes you happy by flipping through the universal catalogue of your life’s experiences. You can check out the past to recall the fond memories that brought you joy and you can also spend your days being present and observing to see what life has to offer that you may have not yet experienced. You also observe throughout your day, as you encounter people, places and or things noticing what instantly produces a wide grin across your face. Then add those things to your list of heart’s desires. All you need do is sit down and write out, paint, draw, compose or just speak the description of whatever it is you really chose to have.

Logic has no place here; the rational mind does not get to interfere with imagination. Do not allow yourself to get caught in the trap of limiting what you are capable of having or achieving based on what your present conditions such as finances or education are. To base what can be, on what is, is nothing more than non-sense.

Once you have your list you pay attention in each and every moment to the inner guidance coming from your inspirational joyful heart to follow the direct path to realizing all of the items you have jotted down, plus some you might not even be aware of yet!

When you give your inner heart voice your undivided attention without any interference from the rational mind, you will notice you have a thought and if that thought also makes you smile or has a fuzzy warm feeling or you sense a great deal of enthusiasm; that is the direction to go in. If any or all of those things are lacking than it would be advisable to not move forward with an unhealthy obsession to have it anyway. This is your heart speaking to you through your emotions to allow you to become aware of what if right for you and what is not. You do not hesitate in order to seek anyone else’s advice or opinion, as others are not your authority and do not know what feels right or wrong for you. If it feels good, it is a go. If it feels bad, it is a no.

Following your heart by doing what feels good for you doesn’t give you license to inflict harm on others. Following your heart does not permit you to impose your will upon another person, place, animal or thing. Feels right is based on a healthy mental and emotional aspect who has a high regard for all of life fully knowing everyone and thing is to be treated with love, honor and respect. Following the direction of your heart by only engaging your thoughts, words, actions and deeds in what feels good to you in any given moment, brings about the much desired trust in self and peace of mind that permits you to leap into the adventure of life in any given moment.

We continually shift and change and what may have been right for us in the past, may no longer serve our happiness in the present or the future. Be sure to follow the present feelings, as one moment you will feel very inspired to take action and absolutely be in joy with it and few hours later you may not feel like doing whatever it is. If you force yourself out of a sense of obligation, it becomes work rather than play and obviously is no longer joyful or right for you in that moment.

We often confuse words like responsibility and obligation. Most people will claim they are acting responsibly when instead they are acting out of a perceived obligation. Responsibility is the ability to respond to self with love, whatever self is feeling in any given moment and the moment and your feelings change constantly.

Obligation is more liken to doing something you perceive is expected of you and you may not really feel like doing it. Yet you do because you fear the loss of something like money, love, friendship; it matters not because it is nothing more than fear. Out of obligation we perform a task that is not joyful for us and we end up exhausted, angry and resentful; especially when we don’t receive a thank you or acknowledgment in return. Obligatory word, thoughts, actions or deeds will never lead to your happiness; they enable unhealthy behavior rather than support your well-being and happiness. Acting out of obligation will always end up with you doing more for others than you do for yourself leaving you with no time, money or other forms of energy available for you.

Obligation is an illusion stemming from the lower mental mind, the ego of you who resists allowing the freedom of self-expression because it fears the outcome will be adverse. When you dwell in the fearful hell of obligation you end up believing you are victimization by others. You continually project blame onto others, hiding behind them and holding them accountable for what you are afraid of accomplishing. You live in the viscous cycle of incorrectly perceiving you are obligated to and as a result blame others for not supporting you in some manner or another.

It is time to be responsible by responding to the heart of self with the love and light of your divine magnificence, rather than continue to simply survive. We all have engaged in a mundane ego based survival rather than to follow our soul’s intentions and hearts desires on the adventurous journey of life.

Following your heart is the only way to achieve genuine happiness. It matters not if your life is short, it is far better to live a responsible self-loving short life consisting of a few months, weeks, days or even a few hours in blissfully loving freedom of self-expression, than it is to live to a ripe old age in a prison of mental and emotional slavery of the obligatory victimization of insisting on being right in feeling bad rather than following your heart to happiness.

It is now time to be free to follow your brave heart whose only intention is to have you live a joyous life. Disengage from being right or figuring out your next step to assure a certain outcome or guarantee. To delay embarking on this journey for even one more moment only ensures your imprisonment. To face your fear and step forward ensures a path where you consciously learn to trust your loving hearts guidance to lead you to awakening to a smiling face staring back at you from the mirror each morning.

With your heart in the lead your Spirit can soar, as you finally manifest all you have up to this point only dreamed about. I assure you following your heart will put a smile on your face and sustain your happiness forever!

Go ahead, take a risk and follow your heart!
Copyright Eloryia RA 2010

Author's Bio: 

Eloryia RA is a transformation Facilitator and, is dedicated to the mission of guiding you to your greatest potential so you may realize your magnificence and create the life you desire.

Eloryia is a spiritual coach, radio host, featured guest on television, published author, artist, photographer, clairvoyant, clairaudient, retreat and workshop leader, emotional release therapist, spiritual and psychic teacher and reader.

One of Eloryia's many tools is aura portrait which combines her sharp intuition with her artistic talents. For 30+years Eloryia has guided many out of their self-imposed conditioned fear into the state of love; where they trust in the love of self and their innate gifts and talents.

In an Aura Portrait with full reading and healing mandala you receive your Soul's unique story, its evolution, heart intention and life mission with images and words to help you remember and embrace the truth of you so you can easily and gracefully aspire to your greatness, because you already are magnificent."

An aura portrait is a wonderful catalyst to shift your conditioned reality that causes you to manifest lack of all wonderful things, to be in harmony with our highest soul intention and to realize and live Heaven on Earth