Follicular unit extraction (FUE), is the primary method of obtaining hair follicle units from the donor area and graft it to the area in the absence of hair. The main challenge during FUE is to detach the grafts from the skin without harming the follicles. The follicular units gain by either method are the basic element of follicular unit transplantation (FUT). It is done manually, from extraction to implantation, by an experienced hair transplant surgeon.
Newer techniques such as Neograft or the ARTAS system automated parts of the FUE procedure for quicker treatments and less error. It can also be used to repair eyebrows, eyelashes, chest hair, pubic hair, beard hair and to cover scars caused by accidents or surgery. The continuity of follicular units after extraction from the scalp is the key to successful hair transplantation.
If follicular units are cut in the extraction process, there is a possibility that they will not survive the transplant, and the hair transplant will go wrong. While FUT guarantees a large number of non-transected follicular units due to strip-harvesting of follicular units, FUE methods sometimes do, transect grafts, making them useless in a transplant. Harvesting may form "pit" scarring, round, small, and typically white scars within the patient's donor area where the grafts are detached.
Before the dissection of the follicle, the donor section of the scalp will first be shaved to supply better visualization to the doctor so as to not over-harvest areas. The donor area will then be cleansed and anesthetized with a local desensitizing agent. During it, one of two extraction techniques will be used: sharp or blunt dissection. The sharp punch dissection technique limits the depth of the punch insertion to avoid follicle transaction and provides a more consistent graft. The blunt punch dissection method uses a dull tip that's unlikely to transect the follicles and thus the tip guides the follicles. This allows for a deeper level of dissection, thereby decreasing manipulation and thus the force needed for graft extraction. Your hair transplant surgeon will decide what method is best for you.
During FUE, 2,400-5,000 grafts will be gathered to a specific area on the scalp. If hairs are implanted in the eyebrows, generally only 150-200 grafts are required. Your surgeon will be aware to avoid over-harvesting donor areas to protect the body from telogen effluvium, a changeable form of temporary hair loss caused by physical or emotional stress.
Follicular unit extraction results in overthrow hair loss created by thinning hair, bald spots, and retreating hairlines. Hair loss produced by medical treatment, stress, or medication cannot be addressed by strip harvesting. Follicular unit extraction normally has a faster patient recovery time and remarkable lower postoperative pain and stiffness than follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Moreover, the possibility of long term nerve damage, leading to chronic immobility or pain in the donor area, is notably lessened from it than the strip (FUT) procedure. Also, it gives an alternate to FUT when the scalp is just too compact for a strip excision and allows a hair transplant surgeon to harvest excellent hair from the collar of the neck to be used at the hairline or for eyebrows. Although, with FUE, the follicles are harvested from a larger area of the donor zone as compared to FUT approximated to be eight times larger than that of standard strip excision so patients' hairs have trimmed in a much larger donor area. Follicles harvested from uncertain areas of the donor region may not be accurately "permanent," so that over time, the transplanted hair may be lost. Due to the scarring and deformation of the donor scalp, it makes upcoming sessions more difficult, and grafts are weaker and lead to trauma during placing since they often don't have the protective dermis and fat of microscopically cut off grafts.
During an FUE hair transplant surgery, keep away from activities that cause immoderate sweating such as severe exercise, running, and weight lifting for at least 10 days. Steam rooms and other similar activities should also be avoided. Do not drink any alcohol for at least 1 week to ensure quick healing. Be careful not to touch or comb any areas that received grafts because they are sensitive. Patients with poor donor sites or who have hair loss as a result of medical treatment stress, or medication, as these can be an overthrow, are not suggested for follicular unit extraction. Side effects may include infection, scarring, hemorrhage, cysts, telogen effluvium, itching, swelling, and bleeding. To get a hair transplant in Lahore, there are many qualified hair restoration surgeons but most people prefer to get it done from an experienced doctor. Those who want to know more in detail click the link

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FUE hair transplant clinic in Pakistan with proven results & video testimonials, hair restoration reviews and new methods of hair transplant.