Everyday we read about this coach and that coach. This one helps you build a better network; that one helps train you in one area or another. Don't get me wrong; the right coach, at the right time, for the right reason is worth their weight in gold. I have even personally referred my friends and clients to one coach or another when the timing was right for them. The perfect coach can aid your development in an area where you may have struggled before. They can even save your very life or the life of your business.
Nevertheless, some of us float from mentor to mentor, coach to coach, never fully implementing the tools they provide. Why is that? Sometimes it is fear, plain and simple. But most often it is because it's just not something we are capable, or willing, to do at the time.
The best result is the outcome of focus, determination, ability, and action. When even one of these areas is missing no amount of coaching will succeed in helping you reach your goal. Focus and determination are nearly the same thing; but without ability and action your intended result will never be obtained. Felicia Slattery, Communication Consultant and Coach puts it this way, “Sometimes what many people need is less of a coach and more of a consultant or teacher. Coaching is a fabulous resource for getting you unstuck, but when you don’t know how to do something, even the best coaching won’t do the trick. You need a teacher, consultant, or trainer; in short someone to show you the how to, plain and simple. And then, you need to follow up with the plan you create.”
Felicia has a wonderful tool on her website that I think is perfect to assist you in determining whether you truly are in need of a coach or not. It is a simple questionnaire that every coach should offer their prospective clients. Be sure to check out her “Are You Coachable” quiz on her resources page.
Your coach can only take you so far. If you don't have the ability to grasp and implement the training your efforts will be in futile. As an example, I am very good at math. I can easily grasp most any new concept the first time I read it. However, when it comes to science my brain literally shuts down. You have heard the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.” Well, it's much like that when trying to force yourself to become something you aren't capable of becoming.
So what's the answer? Buck up and admit; there are just some things you have no time, talent, ability or desire to do. Focus on what you can do instead of what you can't.
One solution is to hire someone, even if only part-time, who can assist you in the areas you need assistance. Then leave it in their capable hands.
Another option is to form a strategic alliance with another business owner who has the knowledge and skill you are seeking. For example, if you want to promote your business through public speaking, but even the thought of it causes panic attacks, find someone outgoing who you can partner with that will promote both of your businesses. Maybe you just can't seem to put pen to paper; the words just don't flow. Hire a ghostwriter or partner with a copy writer/editor who can assist you in this area. You might offer to post the article if they will do the writing.
Carol Deckert, Networking Coach puts it this way, “When you begin your business, it may not be financially possible to hire someone to help you get it all done. You may be forced to do it all yourself with possibly some help from your family. However, if your idea is simply to start a business, take out of this business whatever income it produces, your business won’t ever grow.
In order for growth to happen, you as the owner must remain focused on what you want that business to be. Forming a strategic alliance with another business that has a comparable target market could possibly be the best way for your business to grow. Sit down and write a detailed plan, noting the duties/responsibilities each of you will be responsible for, focus on each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Exchange of skills between the two of you is the perfect alliance as you each control the growth of your own business but will have help doing some of the work that you don’t want to do, don’t have time to do, or simply don’t know how to do. The devil is in the details, so be specific and clear in what you expect from each other and then each of you are able to focus on what you want to achieve with your business. Focus on YOUR strengths and a plan of action and you will be able to move forward and grow your business!”
I have used both of these techniques in my 30+ years in business and have never regretted it. Rather than waste valuable time and effort trying to learn something you have no predilection for, you could hire an assistant. Hiring a virtual assistant can be a sound business move. This option allows you to save both time and money, when you consider that you don't have to pay their medical insurance! They can tackle the most tedious chores that you don't have the patience or motivation to do.
Decide for yourself what is more valuable, time spent learning something you neither want to learn nor are capable of implementing, or focusing on what you love. In deciding which method to use, look at the big picture. Is it something that needs to be done or is it an area of your business that will enable you to diversify? If diversification is your answer, then partnering may be your best bet.
On the other hand, if you really want and need the help to learn, a coach or mentor in the specific medium is absolutely your best choice. Drawing from the example of wanting to learn how to improve your public speaking abilities, you might consider hiring someone like Coach Slattery or simply pick up a copy of her recently released eBook titled “Cash In On Speaking.” Another helpful resource and one of my personal favorites is my book, “Presentational Skills for the Next Generation.”
Remember, to gain from your training you will need to commit to learning and implementing the suggested strategies. Their knowledge and experience will enable you to achieve even your loftiest goal only if you put into action what you learn. Otherwise, you should stick to what you know and love and leave the rest to others more capable.
© Copyright 2008 Ginger Marks
Ginger Marks is the founder of DocUmeant, We Make YOU Look GOOD! For more information, visit http://www.documeant.net/. Felicia Slattery’s eBook Cash In On Speaking available here: http://wahmcart.com/x.php?adminid=1859&id=3149/. Carol Deckert, Networking Coach/Consultant Referrals Unlimited Network, http://www.runlancaster.com/.
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